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[F3] Provide consolidated view in the portfolio tracker #949

Open SCN9A opened 5 months ago

SCN9A commented 5 months ago

This proposal requests a consolidated view of wallet(s) value.


The proposal aims to

Featured Data points

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Total Wallet Value: The valuation for the whole portfolio value displayed in ALGO or USD equivalent. Wallet Balance: The total Algo value of assets available in the wallet. Staked Value:: The total Algo value of assets staked. LP Value: The total Algo value of assets in liquidity pools. DeFi Value: The total Algo value of assets in DeFi protocols; borrow/lend. NFT Estimated Value NFT Floor Value

On/Off Switch for NFT valuation

The feature allows users to choose between two options: 1- The default option (Switch off) is where ASA Stats provide the valuation for the whole portfolio value where NFTs value is set to estimated. 2- The Switch On, ASA Stats provides the valuation for the whole portfolio value where NFTs value is set to floor value.

The effect of the Switch is implemented in the presentation of Pie-chart data, explained below.

Top Asset Distribution

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The consolidated view of top asset distribution provides information about key assets owned, portfolio distribution %, and location (Wallet, Staked, LP). All on one dashboard. The color coded bar is great at consolidating the information per ASA.

PIE Chart: Algo | ASA | NFT

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Pie chart display whole portfolio allocation between Algo, ASA, NFTs. Upon hovering provide the following information:

PIE Chart: DeFi portfolio

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Pie chart displays Token portfolio allocation. Upon hovering it provides the following information:

The strike-through feature currently available is a grate value.

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PIE Chart: NFT portfolio

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Pie chart displays NFT portfolio allocation. Upon hovering it provides the following information:

The strike-through feature currently available is a grate value.


Consolidated View

ASA Stats Portfolio Tracker has gained recognition for its unparalleled accuracy in tracking assets on the Algorand blockchain. All user’s assets are on one dashboard. The proposal aims to consolidate the core of ASA Stats business model.

ipaleka commented 1 month ago

I've got a couple of questions for you @SCN9A (or for anybody else).

Staked Value: The total Algo value of assets staked. LP Value: The total Algo value of assets in liquidity pools. DeFi Value: The total Algo value of assets in DeFi protocols; borrow/lend.

Please if you can make a deeper analysis of the items above based on the following:

Does an LP token staked (farm) goes into Staked Value or it is left in LP value? What about adding "Farmed Value" (or some better-suited term in English)?

May we assume that DeFi Value option should be used for all the cases when you put an asset under custody of some smart contract, like a limit order or a TinyLock/Vestige vault?+

What about borrowed NFTs, like Goanna Lending or (not yet implemented) DBD Protection Contract NFT staking?

NFT Floor Value

What do you suggest on how we should calculate a floor value of an NFT that doesn't belong to a collection?

SCN9A commented 2 weeks ago

Thanks @ipaleka for this, I just noticed the comment.

I suggest the following

Does an LP token staked (farm) goes into Staked Value or it is left in LP value? What about adding "Farmed Value" (or some better-suited term in English)?

LP token staked (farm): left in LP Value. LP token = value of LP provided. When user staked LP tokens (Farming): If farming gain autocompound, it would be automatically factored in the LP value. If it has not been claimed yet (pending rewards), there is no requirement to account for it.

May we assume that DeFi Value option should be used for all the cases when you put an asset under custody of some smart contract, like a limit order or a TinyLock/Vestige vault?+

Yes, as we are providing a consolidated view.

What about borrowed NFTs, like Goanna Lending or (not yet implemented) DBD Protection Contract NFT staking?

This would be included in the DeFi value, Given Algo is borrowed against the NFTs.

What do you suggest on how we should calculate a floor value of an NFT that doesn't belong to a collection?

It is complex for the lack of comparision. I think sales, auction and bidding data would be useful Maybe be grouped under "Non-Series NFTs"