I am not sure, but I think I found a bug in dexed/Source/PluginProcessor.cpp:340 It seems for me that there is a loop which does nothing special:
int note = currentNote;
for (int i=0; i<MAX_ACTIVE_NOTES; i++) {
if (!voices[note].keydown) {
currentNote = (note + 1) % MAX_ACTIVE_NOTES;
lfo.keydown(); // TODO: should only do this if # keys down was 0
voices[note].midi_note = pitch;
voices[note].sustained = sustain;
voices[note].keydown = true;
voices[note].dx7_note->init(data, pitch, velo, feedback_bitdepth);
if ( data[136] )
note = (note + 1) % MAX_ACTIVE_NOTES;
The loop variable is "i" but this var is never referenced inside the for-loop. I think every access to the voices-array must be done with 'i' instead of 'note' - like this?
int note = currentNote;
for (int i=0; i<MAX_ACTIVE_NOTES; i++) {
if (!voices[i].keydown) {
currentNote = (note + 1) % MAX_ACTIVE_NOTES;
lfo.keydown(); // TODO: should only do this if # keys down was 0
voices[i].midi_note = pitch;
voices[i].sustained = sustain;
voices[i].keydown = true;
voices[i].dx7_note->init(data, pitch, velo, feedback_bitdepth);
if ( data[136] )
note = (note + 1) % MAX_ACTIVE_NOTES;
Hi Pascal,
I am not sure, but I think I found a bug in dexed/Source/PluginProcessor.cpp:340 It seems for me that there is a loop which does nothing special:
The loop variable is "i" but this var is never referenced inside the for-loop. I think every access to the voices-array must be done with 'i' instead of 'note' - like this?
Regards, Holger