ascarter / Go-bbpackage

BBEdit package for Go development
MIT License
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Install requires homebrew version of ctags, update readme? #9

Closed zentrope closed 7 years ago

zentrope commented 7 years ago

I have go, xcode and bbedit installed, but got this with make install:

mkdir -p ./Go.bbpackage/Contents
cp ./Go.bbpackage/.
cp LICENSE ./Go.bbpackage/.
cp -R ./src/* ./Go.bbpackage/Contents/.
ctags --recurse --extra=+p+q+r --fields=+a+m+n+S --excmd=number --tag-relative=no --sort=no --exclude=.git --exclude="*_test.go" --exclude="**/testdata/**" --exclude="**/internal/**" -f - /usr/local/Cellar/go/1.8.3/libexec/src | grep -v -E '^(\w+[.])?[^A-Z]\w+\s+\S+\s\d+[;]["]\s+[cfimstv]' > ./gostdlib.tags
/Applications/ illegal option -- -
usage: ctags [-BFadtuwvx] [-f tagsfile] file ...
make: *** [Go.bbpackage/Contents/Completion Data/Go/Go Standard Library.tags] Error 1

Running this on the 10.12.6 Beta, Xcode is Version 8.3.2 (8E2002) and Go is go version go1.8.3 darwin/amd64.

Any suggestions?

zentrope commented 7 years ago

I installed the homebrew version of ctags

 $ brew install ctags

and did a make clean install, and it worked. Maybe add that as a dependency on the readme?

ascarter commented 7 years ago

The right way to fix this is to use the built-in BBEdit Ctags (which is now a snapshot of universal ctags). That has support for Go built-in. I have universal ctags installed an overriding BSD ctags on my machine. I'll clean this up.

ascarter commented 7 years ago

You should now be able to built without any externally installed ctags. Thanks for the bug report.