ascendancyy / vue-cli-plugin-stylelint

Vue cli 3.x plugin for stylelint
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SCSS syntax option makes stylelint try to lint JS? #4

Closed irrg closed 1 month ago

irrg commented 6 years ago

This plugin looks exactly like what I need, but I can't figure out a way to pass the syntax option and, well, have things work.

module.exports = {
  pluginOptions: {
    lintStyleOnBuild: false,
    stylelint: {
      syntax: 'scss'

This leads to stylelint trying to point out css errors in the JS code in my .vue files.

ascendancyy commented 6 years ago

I've been busy at uni and haven't had time to properly update the plugin to match changes in vue-cli which might the problem here. I'll hopefully take a look by next week.

steveworkman commented 5 years ago

I think this and issue #5 might be the same. Try the PR #6 and see if that helps

ascendancyy commented 5 years ago

It's been a while so I forgot exactly how stylelint works but omitting the syntax option and stylelint should be able to correctly infer the correct syntax. I think the scss value is meant for actual sass files and not combined files like .vue files.