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Change Subheading in Sexual Misconduct Policy #113

Closed leo8aci closed 3 weeks ago

leo8aci commented 3 weeks ago

Instead of "Policy Details", this subheading should say "Purpose Statement" image

codeautopilot[bot] commented 3 weeks ago

Potential solution

The task requires changing the subheading from "Policy Details" to "Purpose Statement" in the src/sexual-misconduct-policy.html file. This involves locating the specific section in the HTML file where the subheading is defined and updating it accordingly.

How to implement

  1. Locate the Subheading:

    • Find the section in the HTML file where the subheading "Policy Details" is defined. This is typically within a <div class="card-header"> element.
  2. Update the Subheading:

    • Change the text inside the <h3> tag from "Policy Details" to "Purpose Statement".

Here is the modified section of the HTML code:

<div class="card">
  <div class="card-header">
    <h3>Purpose Statement</h3>
  <div class="card-body">
      $BUILD_BRAND_SC Career Institute wishes to confirm its
      responsibility to provide a safe and secure learning environment. At
      $BUILD_BRAND_SC Career Institute, we firmly believe that there
      should be a safe environment for all the students, which is free
      from any kind of sexual misconduct as the college has zero tolerance
      towards this kind of misconduct.
      Through this policy the institutions strive to prevent sexual
      misconduct and create a procedure to respond effectively and in a
      timely manner when incidents occur.
      In 2016 the Government of BC introduced the Sexual Violence and
      Misconduct Policy Act S.B.C. c.23 (the Act). The Act requires BC
      post secondary institutions to establish, implement, and make
      publicly available a policy, with associated procedures, that
      addresses sexual misconduct, its prevention, and responses to sexual
      misconduct. This Policy has been designed in compliance with the

Full Updated Code

Here is the full updated code for the src/sexual-misconduct-policy.html file with the subheading change:

<script locals>
  module.exports = {
  "headerImg": "index.png", 
  "name": "Sexual Misconduct Policy",
  "title": "Sexual Misconduct Policy",
  <block name="pageTitle"> Sexual Misconduct Policy </block>

  <block name="instituteName">$BUILD_BRAND_SC Career Institute</block>
  <block name="instituteNumber">03500</block>
  <block name="effectiveDate">May 1, 2024</block>
  <block name="revisionDate">May 1, 2024</block>

  <block name="policyContent">
    <div class="container mt-5">
      <div class="card">
        <div class="card-header">
          <h3>Purpose Statement</h3>
        <div class="card-body">
            $BUILD_BRAND_SC Career Institute wishes to confirm its
            responsibility to provide a safe and secure learning environment. At
            $BUILD_BRAND_SC Career Institute, we firmly believe that there
            should be a safe environment for all the students, which is free
            from any kind of sexual misconduct as the college has zero tolerance
            towards this kind of misconduct.
            Through this policy the institutions strive to prevent sexual
            misconduct and create a procedure to respond effectively and in a
            timely manner when incidents occur.
            In 2016 the Government of BC introduced the Sexual Violence and
            Misconduct Policy Act S.B.C. c.23 (the Act). The Act requires BC
            post secondary institutions to establish, implement, and make
            publicly available a policy, with associated procedures, that
            addresses sexual misconduct, its prevention, and responses to sexual
            misconduct. This Policy has been designed in compliance with the

      <div class="card mt-4">
        <div class="card-header">
          <h3>Scope and Application</h3>
        <div class="card-body">
            The policy applies to students, faculty and staff members working at
            $BUILD_BRAND_SC Career Institute as well as extends to the visitors,
            volunteers and contractors at the campus, who may be found involved
            in any act of violating the respectful environment of the college by
            indulging in any sexual violence or misconduct.
            Sexual misconduct is defined as any form of undesired activity of a
            sexual nature which intends to violate the sexual integrity of the
            individual to whom it is directed. Sexual assault is characterized
            by a broad range of behaviors that involve the use of coercion,
            threats or control towards a person which makes the person feel
            uncomfortable, distressed, frightened.
          <p>Sexual misconduct may involve:</p>
            <li>Sexual Assault</li>
            <li>Sexual Exploitation</li>
            <li>Sexual Harassment</li>
            <li>Incident Exposure</li>
              Distribution of a sexually explicit photograph or video of a
              person, without the consent of the person in the photo or video.
            <li>Attempt to commit an act of sexual misconduct</li>
            <li>Threat to commit an act of sexual misconduct.</li>

      <div class="card mt-4">
        <div class="card-header">
          <h3>Reporting/Disclosure Procedure</h3>
        <div class="card-body">
            The person who wishes to disclose sexual misconduct or make a formal
            report against it may do so as per the following process:
              Victim/Survivor safety comes first. Campus staff will discreetly
              ensure that the victim/survivor will receive any required medical
              attention and any security measures required to keep them safe.
              The person (victim) may choose to disclose the sexual misconduct
              to the Executive Director/SEA of $BUILD_BRAND_SC Career Institute,
              without making a formal report. In this case a formal process may
              not be initiated, but the management will deal with the disclosure
              seriously and may take steps to avoid the repetition of the
              To initiate a formal process, the victim or a member of the
              college community, on behalf of the victim, needs to submit a
              report in writing to the Executive Director/ Senior Educational
              Administrator of $BUILD_BRAND_SC Career Institute.
              The person against whom allegations are made will be informed
              about the same, keeping the name and details of the complainant
              private. The person will be given 24 hours’ time to submit written
              explanation about the incident. The SEA of $BUILD_BRAND_SC Career
              Institute will then verify all the available evidence and if found
              guilty, the alleged perpetrator will be asked to offer a written
              apology to the complainant and will also be expelled from
              work/study (as the case may be).
              If the perpetrator is a visitor, whom the $BUILD_BRAND_SC Career
              Institute authorities cannot access, the information of the
              visitor will be given to the local police along with the copy of
              the complaint, if the complainant agrees to this.
              The information of the complainant will be kept confidential
              according to the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy
              Act, unless, it becomes mandatory by law to disclose the
              information to get full justice to the complainant. If required,
              the complainant will be given to counseling or emergency medical
              care to overcome the mental or physical problems faced by the
              complainant due to the incident.

      <div class="card mt-4">
        <div class="card-header">
          <h3>Available Services</h3>
        <div class="card-body">
            <li>Emergency Services: 911</li>
            <li>Suicide Prevention Hotline: 988</li>
              Local Hospitals:
                  Kelowna General Hospital – 2268 Pandosy St – 250-862-4000
              Mental Health Service:
              <a rel="noopener" href="" target="_blank"
              – 1-877-857-3397
              Interior Health Sexual Assault Service:

This change will update the subheading as requested by the user.

Click here to create a Pull Request with the proposed solution

Files used for this task:

Changes on src/sexual-misconduct-policy.html To address the user's request to change the subheading from "Policy Details" to "Purpose Statement" in the `src/sexual-misconduct-policy.html` file, you need to locate the specific section where the subheading is defined and update it accordingly. Here is the step-by-step plan: 1. **Locate the Subheading**: Find the section in the HTML file where the subheading "Policy Details" is defined. 2. **Update the Subheading**: Change the text from "Policy Details" to "Purpose Statement". ### Step-by-Step Solution 1. **Locate the Subheading**: - In the provided HTML code, the subheading "Policy Details" is found within a `
` element. 2. **Update the Subheading**: - Change the text inside the `

` tag from "Policy Details" to "Purpose Statement". Here is the modified section of the HTML code: ```html

Purpose Statement

$BUILD_BRAND_SC Career Institute wishes to confirm its responsibility to provide a safe and secure learning environment. At $BUILD_BRAND_SC Career Institute, we firmly believe that there should be a safe environment for all the students, which is free from any kind of sexual misconduct as the college has zero tolerance towards this kind of misconduct.

Through this policy the institutions strive to prevent sexual misconduct and create a procedure to respond effectively and in a timely manner when incidents occur.

In 2016 the Government of BC introduced the Sexual Violence and Misconduct Policy Act S.B.C. c.23 (the Act). The Act requires BC post secondary institutions to establish, implement, and make publicly available a policy, with associated procedures, that addresses sexual misconduct, its prevention, and responses to sexual misconduct. This Policy has been designed in compliance with the Act.

``` ### Full Updated Code Here is the full updated code for the `src/sexual-misconduct-policy.html` file with the subheading change: ```html Sexual Misconduct Policy $BUILD_BRAND_SC Career Institute 03500 May 1, 2024 May 1, 2024

Purpose Statement

$BUILD_BRAND_SC Career Institute wishes to confirm its responsibility to provide a safe and secure learning environment. At $BUILD_BRAND_SC Career Institute, we firmly believe that there should be a safe environment for all the students, which is free from any kind of sexual misconduct as the college has zero tolerance towards this kind of misconduct.

Through this policy the institutions strive to prevent sexual misconduct and create a procedure to respond effectively and in a timely manner when incidents occur.

In 2016 the Government of BC introduced the Sexual Violence and Misconduct Policy Act S.B.C. c.23 (the Act). The Act requires BC post secondary institutions to establish, implement, and make publicly available a policy, with associated procedures, that addresses sexual misconduct, its prevention, and responses to sexual misconduct. This Policy has been designed in compliance with the Act.

Scope and Application

The policy applies to students, faculty and staff members working at $BUILD_BRAND_SC Career Institute as well as extends to the visitors, volunteers and contractors at the campus, who may be found involved in any act of violating the respectful environment of the college by indulging in any sexual violence or misconduct.

Sexual misconduct is defined as any form of undesired activity of a sexual nature which intends to violate the sexual integrity of the individual to whom it is directed. Sexual assault is characterized by a broad range of behaviors that involve the use of coercion, threats or control towards a person which makes the person feel uncomfortable, distressed, frightened.

Sexual misconduct may involve:

  • Sexual Assault
  • Sexual Exploitation
  • Sexual Harassment
  • Stalking
  • Incident Exposure
  • Voyeurism
  • Distribution of a sexually explicit photograph or video of a person, without the consent of the person in the photo or video.
  • Attempt to commit an act of sexual misconduct
  • Threat to commit an act of sexual misconduct.

Reporting/Disclosure Procedure

The person who wishes to disclose sexual misconduct or make a formal report against it may do so as per the following process:

  1. Victim/Survivor safety comes first. Campus staff will discreetly ensure that the victim/survivor will receive any required medical attention and any security measures required to keep them safe.
  2. The person (victim) may choose to disclose the sexual misconduct to the Executive Director/SEA of $BUILD_BRAND_SC Career Institute, without making a formal report. In this case a formal process may not be initiated, but the management will deal with the disclosure seriously and may take steps to avoid the repetition of the incident.
  3. To initiate a formal process, the victim or a member of the college community, on behalf of the victim, needs to submit a report in writing to the Executive Director/ Senior Educational Administrator of $BUILD_BRAND_SC Career Institute.
  4. The person against whom allegations are made will be informed about the same, keeping the name and details of the complainant private. The person will be given 24 hours’ time to submit written explanation about the incident. The SEA of $BUILD_BRAND_SC Career Institute will then verify all the available evidence and if found guilty, the alleged perpetrator will be asked to offer a written apology to the complainant and will also be expelled from work/study (as the case may be).
  5. If the perpetrator is a visitor, whom the $BUILD_BRAND_SC Career Institute authorities cannot access, the information of the visitor will be given to the local police along with the copy of the complaint, if the complainant agrees to this.
  6. The information of the complainant will be kept confidential according to the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act, unless, it becomes mandatory by law to disclose the information to get full justice to the complainant. If required, the complainant will be given to counseling or emergency medical care to overcome the mental or physical problems faced by the complainant due to the incident.

Available Services

``` This change will update the subheading as requested by the user.