aschober / vinyl-cast

Listen to vinyl records wirelessly throughout your home using an Android device.
MIT License
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[REQUEST] Vinyl Cast "Music Provider" for "Music Assistant" (a.k.a. MA) for streaming high-quality audio directly to MA via Snapcast, Icecast or other streaming protocol? #32

Open Hedda opened 1 month ago

Hedda commented 1 month ago

@aschober Have you heard about Music Assistant (MA) project and any chance you be interested in adding support for using it?

The "Music Assistant" server is a music-streaming cross-ecosystem interoperability open-source software project that can work as a standalone product but is actually tailored to use side-by-side integration for Home Assistant (home automation software) as an addon.

Read this article announcement about new Music Assistant 2.0 release explaining how it works (and integrates with Home Assistant):

Unfortunately it sounds as if Music Assistant can only stream to Google Cast speakers, it can not act as a Google Cast reciever itself?

Would be great if was easy to use Vinyl Cast to stream high-quality audio that is recieved by a "Music Provider" inside Music Assistant.

Any chance you consider building a solution that could achieve the concept of a Vinyl Cast "Music Provider" for Music Assistant?

Music Assistant has support for manually adding radio station URLs to the database. You can for example You can add any online station or your locally created stations using, such as for example Icecast:

I Want To Stream To - Music Assistant: "You could use Darkcast to stream to Icecast which in turn sets up a web radio stream that you could add to MA! You could use this to stream your turntable around the house for example. Here is a generic tutorial and for those that like a nice step by step look here. For input a HiFiBerry could be used or a USB Audio Interface like this one or this one"

Think it should be possible to stream directly from app like Vinyl Cast if it implemented something like Darkice and Icecast? See example:

Streaming: On the Raspberry Pi, two critical software components come into play:

Hedda commented 3 days ago

Off-topic but could be cool if someone would also be willing to add similar functions to the "Music Assistant Companion" app which is a remote-control desktop-application side-project (written in Rust programming language) that they have for remotely controlling playback for the Music Assistant server from any Linux/Mac/Windows computer on the same local network, see related feature request for them here ->