asciidisco / grunt-imagine

Grunt tasks for optimizing & inlining images
MIT License
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jpegoptim need -d option to define output folder #27

Closed btamas closed 11 years ago

btamas commented 11 years ago
$jpegoptim -h
  jpegoptim v1.2.3  Copyright (c) Timo Kokkonen, 1996-2009.
  Usage: jpegoptim [options] <filenames>

    -d<path>, --dest=<path>
                    specify alternative destination directory for
                    optimized files (default is to overwrite originals)
asciidisco commented 11 years ago


sorry that it took so long to respond to your pull request, I´d love to merge it (and will do), but I do not have the time to maintain this library anymore. Would you mind to get the rights to maintain this repo & the rights to publish this baby to npm on your own, so that you can solve the problem on your own?

btamas commented 11 years ago


I found not only this bug, but more than five. I corrected it for me, but I use grunt v0.3, so I don't know they were v0.4 -> v0.3 bugs or really bugs. I neither have enough time to support this repo :/, but which one repo I use I usually correct bugs, so as this.