asciidisco /

Inputstream based Netflix plugin for Kodi
MIT License
1.24k stars 226 forks source link

Issue with netflix that started today, worked yesterday. #531

Closed GavinDarkglider closed 5 years ago

GavinDarkglider commented 5 years ago

I'm submitting a ...

General infomration

Netflix was working fine until I started getting ERROR: KeyError: 'viewables' in the log. Attached is a stripped down debug log with the relevant information and


[Description of the bug or feature]

Steps to Reproduce

  1. [First Step]
  2. [Second Step]
  3. [and so on...]

Expected behavior: [What you expected to happen] Video starts to play Actual behavior: [What actually happened] Video doesnt play

Context (Environment)

ARM32 on AARCH64 Gentoo


Additional informatin on the environment

[Descripe your environment a bit more detailed, are you using LibreElec f.e.] 32 bit arm gentoo on Nintendo Switch, using a 64bit kernel.

Debug log

[Please include a link to your debug log (use something like [http://sprunge.u debug_netflix.log manifest.txt

s/]( or similar, please do not paste]

Other information

[e.g. detailed explanation, related issues, suggestions how to fix, links for us to have context, etc.]


[Please add a screenshot if that helps understanding your problem]

[You can erase any parts of this template not applicable to your Issue.]

MosDos96 commented 5 years ago

Same here! (Win10 x86)

alorbach commented 5 years ago

Same on librelec and 13.6 since today here (arm 32bit build).

jakermx commented 5 years ago

WORKAROUND Finally I have it working now... I tried a lot of things, but it was really simple:

Just Add

        #PRK Profile

on the load_manifiest method

so It will looks like

def load_manifest(self, viewable_id, dolby, hevc, hdr, dolbyvision): """ Loads the manifets for the given viewable_id and returns a mpd-XML-Manifest

:param viewable_id: The id of of the viewable
:return: MPD XML Manifest or False if no success
manifest_request_data = {
    'method': 'manifest',
    'lookupType': 'PREPARE',
    'viewableIds': [viewable_id],
    'profiles': [
        #PRK Profile
        # Video

        # Audio

        # Subtiltes (handled separately)
        # 'dfxp-ls-sdh',
        # 'simplesdh',
        # 'nflx-cmisc',

        # Unkown
    'drmSystem': 'widevine',
    'appId': '14673889385265',
    'sessionParams': {
        'pinCapableClient': False,
        'uiplaycontext': 'null'
    'sessionId': '14673889385265',
    'trackId': 0,
    'flavor': 'PRE_FETCH',
    'secureUrls': False,
    'supportPreviewContent': True,
    'forceClearStreams': False,
    'languages': ['de-DE'],
    'clientVersion': '4.0004.899.011',
    'uiVersion': 'akira'

reboot your KODI and it will work...if you dont reboot it will not work.

Here is my File, I am on LibreElec for RPi3

caphm commented 5 years ago

Fixed in master and ported to 0.14.0 beta.