asciidisco /

Inputstream based Netflix plugin for Kodi
MIT License
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Video playback is not working in 0.13.18 #555

Closed Essam315 closed 5 years ago

Essam315 commented 5 years ago

I'm submitting a ...

General infomration



The video playback is not working in the release 0.13.18, when i try to play a video nothing happens, I'm not using any VPN, inputstream.adaptive is updated to the latest release 2.3.11, and this problem happened today, and not related in anyway with the problem in 0.13.19 which has been fixed for me here (it seems that the plugin is working now on the android devices).

Context (Environment)


Operating System

Additional informatin on the environment

Kodi 18 Leia RC, Windows 10

Debug log

Other information

Here is manifest.json.

VLPilot commented 5 years ago

Still same symptons. Here is pastebin

jakermx commented 5 years ago

could you try to:

download 0.13.20 as ZIP remove the addon and settings remote the repositoty restart install just the addon from zip restart again login and try...

james739 commented 5 years ago

awesome work guys! Will this work on android?

jakermx commented 5 years ago


james739 commented 5 years ago


What is the max resolution on android if widevine lvl3? Can we still 4K?

jakermx commented 5 years ago

As @liberty-developer said, it is netflix plugin independent... since the manifest handling get the urls, that work depends on inputstream, if it is currently supported, it should work unless netflix mess it again..jejeje

VLPilot commented 5 years ago

I uninstalled repository and plugin and installed 0.13.20 from zip file. Rebooted, the error:

18:25:33.374 T:1511383792 ERROR: EXCEPTION Thrown (PythonToCppException) : -->Python callback/script returned the following error<--

2nd attempt to open will open the plugin and I can browse netflix, but still same symptons and errors going on. Fishy.

james739 commented 5 years ago

As @liberty-developer said, it is netflix plugin independent... since the manifest handling get the urls, that work depends on inputstream, if it is currently supported, it should work unless netflix mess it again..jejeje

I will test when I get home...this is exciting

chichino84 commented 5 years ago

@chichino84 pls. provide your manifest.json file, it can be found in your addon's userdata folder

@liberty-developer Here you are I've 0 skill in coding but hope to be helpful anyway.

jakermx commented 5 years ago

Hello there,I was forking the pymsl v1 from truedread but I just realize that he already have support for MSLv2, so I tried it and it worked... I got it from

And I testetd using the it worked. Just need some help integrating on

Hope it helps! Thanks to @truedread for sharing

james739 commented 5 years ago

I apologize if this has already been answered. Is ESN is required on android for this to work?

jakermx commented 5 years ago

Response looks like this.. so just need to adapt it

{ "payload": { "version": "2", "id": "15429961788811", "serverTime": "1543514209323", "from": "nq_cadmium_pbo_licenses@1.14.9/pbo-client@1.14.9", "result": [ { "licenseResponseBase64": "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", "providerSessionToken": "None", "links": { "releaseLicense": { "rel": "releaseLicense", "href": "/releaseLicense?drmLicenseContextId=E1-BQFRAAELEPsjMCBtj2xsIx-SYU7xwwKAqbkVLPN3HVmVlYifh4uwBb4c0_zPwfKB3aCZC7enKgTq6tiz2QiLtwLxwabqR-OOdx9yFm2ckHuLz9jFjAxlbEuErkzF5LqNYDrkiHHT04M_xXH4tU5piI3f0UelmV7mJwe8DLVfoWS4eGqt2DAMNC0ka-67sm_xsnai5UlopC_qJRO-rq0tsEJRUsXj7agkGiiyrRzS_0lzxl5Lge26XjwFk7Ep94zlHjs.;EDEF8BA9-79D6-4ACE-A3C8-27DCD51D21ED;STANDARD;1543514209307&licenseId=wvsd" } }, "sessionId": "A83E35B84BB23ABD585E4F0926F6956C" } ] } }

jakermx commented 5 years ago

I apologize if this has already been answered. Is ESN is required on android for this to work?

@james739 It should be generated automatically, if not, You may change it on Add Settings

james739 commented 5 years ago

Just to show my appreciation who do I donate to?

jakermx commented 5 years ago

I Dont know....the main page saids

Donate If you like this project feel free to buy us some cups of coffee. Our bitcoin address is: 1DHGftMkFXXsDY7UnqQuatWwxQzKVu88sF

james739 commented 5 years ago

I Dont know....the main page saids

Donate If you like this project feel free to buy us some cups of coffee. Our bitcoin address is: 1DHGftMkFXXsDY7UnqQuatWwxQzKVu88sF

how about paypal?

webmaher commented 5 years ago

I have KaonMedia KSTB6020 with Android 8.0.0 … I can login and browsing but i cant play anything… see my log file

jakermx commented 5 years ago

@webmaher your Proxy Service is not getting up , looks like something is wrong with widevine keys, on RPI I just remove .kodi/cdm directory and it downloads and install it again, but dont know how widevine works at all on android

jakermx commented 5 years ago

I Dont know....the main page saids

Donate If you like this project feel free to buy us some cups of coffee. Our bitcoin address is: 1DHGftMkFXXsDY7UnqQuatWwxQzKVu88sF

how about paypal?

You may like to ask @liberty-developer or @asciidisco or @caphm or @hawkeyexp

VLPilot commented 5 years ago

Finally resolved the situation. The key was remove userdata folder, which resets osmc, and installing netflix plugin from ZIP. Success, and Netflix is up and running!

tsioukas commented 5 years ago

I am trying to see why I get 720p resolution, so I set to select manually the stream. Here is the list that I get, 1080p stream isn't in the list. Any idea?

C-O-D commented 5 years ago

Same with me, don't get it to 1080 anymore no matter what I do

techbliss commented 5 years ago

for 1080p try these profiles

'vp9-profile0-L30-dash-cenc',` 'vp9-profile0-L31-dash-cenc', 'vp9-profile0-L32-dash-cenc', 'vp9-profile0-L40-dash-cenc', 'vp9-profile0-L41-dash-cenc', 'vp9-profile0-L50-dash-cenc', 'vp9-profile0-L51-dash-cenc', 'vp9-profile0-L52-dash-cenc', 'vp9-profile0-L60-dash-cenc', 'vp9-profile0-L61-dash-cenc', 'vp9-profile0-L62-dash-cenc',

p-O-q commented 5 years ago

Thanks to all. Version 0.13.20 works again (720p) on Odroid C2 with LibreELEC 9 (commit d8a34341ab3ff2da3197ac60718d737b23bf6d1c - Sat Oct 13 12:20:49 2018 +0200)

C-O-D commented 5 years ago

Thing is, it worked fine with 1080 on 14 b18 before the hassle began

peak3d commented 5 years ago

I have KaonMedia KSTB6020 with Android 8.0.0 … I can login and browsing but i cant play anything… see my log file

Seems that your device is not provisioned yet, to provision pls. install netflix native app and play one movie. After that start kodi again.

peak3d commented 5 years ago

@chichino84 pls. provide your manifest.json file, it can be found in your addon's userdata folder

@liberty-developer Here you are I've 0 skill in coding but hope to be helpful anyway.

Ok, manifest only provide max, 720p. Where have you seen 1080p for this stream? In browser? If so, which browser on what Os?

chichino84 commented 5 years ago

My mistake, that file was manifest.json from netflix plugin itself. Looked through amazon vod plugin and there is no such file...

iTaybb commented 5 years ago

This does work now. However, the video (1080p) runs slowly for me, and isn't smooth (I'm new to the netflix plugin, it might of been slow even before the change)

I'm using Rasperry Pi 3B+.

Does anyone here with Rasperry Pi 3B+ have decent speed with 1080p videos?

arpruss commented 5 years ago

Are subtitles supposed to work with 0.13.20 yet? (They don't for me.)

Essam315 commented 5 years ago

Are subtitles supposed to work with 0.13.20 yet? (They don't for me.)

What is the version of inputstream.adaptive do you have?

arpruss commented 5 years ago


inputstream.adaptive 2.2.27

Your release does show subtitles. Thanks! It's almost perfect.

One minor issue is that the option to set subtitles by default for all media doesn't work: when I try a different episode, subtitles are off by default again.

Another issue is that I am having a lot more buffering hiccups than I am used to with Netflix (the stream is 720x480, 1.33 AR, 23.976 FPS, by the way). I don't know if it's more this plugin has done in the past, as I haven't used the plugin in the past.

Essam315 commented 5 years ago


inputstream.adaptive 2.2.27

Your release does show subtitles. Thanks! It's almost perfect.

One minor issue is that the option to set subtitles by default for all media doesn't work: when I try a different episode, subtitles are off by default again.

Another issue is that I am having a lot more buffering hiccups than I am used to with Netflix (the stream is 720x480, 1.33 AR, 23.976 FPS, by the way). I don't know if it's more this plugin has done in the past, as I haven't used the plugin in the past.

Use this release!8odXkIIA!uPGihwmdrlhqczVC8i1hDsd_IzwqxB5eJvkPuAg753w

arpruss commented 5 years ago

@Essam315: OK, upgraded inputstream.adaptive to 2.3.11 and changed to the version you just uploaded. But it still doesn't remember the default subtitle setting between streams.

Essam315 commented 5 years ago

@Essam315: OK, upgraded inputstream.adaptive to 2.3.11 and changed to the version you just uploaded. But it still doesn't remember the default subtitle setting between streams.

Use this method:

Open Kodi press on the settings icon, and press on "Player", stand on "language", and under "subtitles", press on "Preferred subtitle language", and choose the language you want, and make sure that its a language supported in the subtitles of the movies and TV series in Netflix.




notoco commented 5 years ago

And what about the audio and language settings with which the movie starts by default. Each time the sound sets to German, after changing to Polish, the next episode of the series and so tries in English. I tried, in accordance with this, to change to pl-PL, but without result. Coreelec 8.95.5, inputstreamadaptive: inputstream.adaptive- You understand - German in a Polish home .... LOL

jakermx commented 5 years ago

By Default the Netflix Plugin grab German and Arabic audio/subtitle, in addition to the system preference, if you what that Netflix plays by default you prefered language, go Settings::Player:Languages... and set up you Prefered Ona and Disable the Default Langue Option....

notoco commented 5 years ago

Ok. Thanks - it seemed to me that it worked in version 13.18 and in version 14beta without any settings, I will have to check.

maxodoble commented 5 years ago


with v0.13.20 video and audio is working fine again for me (corelec 8.95.5), but there is no way to get subtitles. (No subtitles are listed in the settings).

anyone knows a way to get subtitles working again?



Essam315 commented 5 years ago


with v0.13.20 video and audio is working fine again for me (corelec 8.95.5), but there is no way to get subtitles. (No subtitles are listed in the settings).

anyone knows a way to get subtitles working again?



Update inputstream.adaptive to the latest release, and if for some reason you can not update it use this release.!8odXkIIA!uPGihwmdrlhqczVC8i1hDsd_IzwqxB5eJvkPuAg753w

maxodoble commented 5 years ago

Hi, with v0.13.20 video and audio is working fine again for me (corelec 8.95.5), but there is no way to get subtitles. (No subtitles are listed in the settings). anyone knows a way to get subtitles working again? cheers, Max

Update inputstream.adaptive to the latest release, and if for some reason you can not update it use this release.!8odXkIIA!uPGihwmdrlhqczVC8i1hDsd_IzwqxB5eJvkPuAg753w

Thanks, but if this works, why isn't the code here in this repository??

i don't feel comfortable downloading a version from mega or anywhere else but here from github where i can (or at least could) see what was changed ;-)

So inputstream apdtive v2.3.12 solves the subtitle problem in netflix? i guess i'll wait then until coreelec updates to this version.

Thanks again, Max

liberty-developer commented 5 years ago

@maxodoble pls. provide manifest.json and manifest.mpd file

Essam315 commented 5 years ago

Hi, with v0.13.20 video and audio is working fine again for me (corelec 8.95.5), but there is no way to get subtitles. (No subtitles are listed in the settings). anyone knows a way to get subtitles working again? cheers, Max

Update inputstream.adaptive to the latest release, and if for some reason you can not update it use this release.!8odXkIIA!uPGihwmdrlhqczVC8i1hDsd_IzwqxB5eJvkPuAg753w

Thanks, but if this works, why isn't the code here in this repository??

i don't feel comfortable downloading a version from mega or anywhere else but here from github where i can (or at least could) see what was changed ;-)

So inputstream apdtive v2.3.12 solves the subtitle problem in netflix? i guess i'll wait then until coreelec updates to this version.

Thanks again, Max


@maxodoble pls. provide manifest.json and manifest.mpd file

This is a problem with this part, the comparison need to be fixed for 'simplesdh' to work with Kodi with inputstream.adaptive less than 2.3.8.

# subtitles addon = xbmcaddon.Addon('inputstream.adaptive') if addon and self.nx_common.compare_versions(map(int, addon.getAddonInfo('version').split('.')), [2, 3, 8]): profiles.append('webvtt-lssdh-ios8') else: profiles.append('simplesdh')

@staticmethod def compare_versions(v1, v2): if len(v1) != len(v2): return len(v1) - len(v2) for i in range(0, len(v1)): if v1[i] > v2[1]: return 1 elif v1[i] < v2[1]: return -1 return 0

liberty-developer commented 5 years ago

@Essam315 but in this case simplesdh should be used, this was working before, and should still work

Essam315 commented 5 years ago

@liberty-developer It does not work now, may i suggest a safer option, in replace

addon = xbmcaddon.Addon('inputstream.adaptive') if addon and self.nx_common.compare_versions(map(int, addon.getAddonInfo('version').split('.')), [2, 3, 8]): profiles.append('webvtt-lssdh-ios8') else: profiles.append('simplesdh')


if self.nx_common.get_setting('enable_webvtt_subtitles') == 'true': profiles.append('webvtt-lssdh-ios8') else: profiles.append('simplesdh')

and in settings.xml add



and in strings.po add

`msgctxt "#30220" msgid "Subtitles" msgstr ""

msgctxt "#30221" msgid "Enable WebVTT Subtitles" msgstr ""`

liberty-developer commented 5 years ago

@Essam315 no, fixing bugs by using settings is not what we want to do here

krisdeg commented 5 years ago

This does work now. However, the video (1080p) runs slowly for me, and isn't smooth (I'm new to the netflix plugin, it might of been slow even before the change)

I'm using Rasperry Pi 3B+.

Does anyone here with Rasperry Pi 3B+ have decent speed with 1080p videos?

I'm also on Pi 3B+. on pi 3B (old version) it was impossible to read in 1080. too much lag. i wanted to give it a try on B+ but, when i set stream selection to manual, i only get max 720

Can someone tell me whats the trick to get 1080p back in the list ? im on osmc / inputstream 2.3.11 / plugin version 13.20

Thanks in advance,

liberty-developer commented 5 years ago

1.) I pushed the fix for subtitles / inputstream.adaptive < 2.3.8 2.) The new manifest request does not need VP9 anymore, so I disabled VP9 even for != Android.

liberty-developer commented 5 years ago

@krisdeg why do you want 1080p for rbpi? widevine decoder will not be capable decode the stream in time.

krisdeg commented 5 years ago


you are right, i just wanted to see the result for myself apparently some people could get the option back and was wondering how.

its just for my personal curiosity :-) You guys here are doing a great job and jump on the ball very fast ! cheers,