asciidoctor / asciidoclet

:clipboard: A Javadoc Doclet based on Asciidoctor that lets you write Javadoc in the AsciiDoc syntax.
Apache License 2.0
132 stars 40 forks source link

Going to jdk 17 21 #124

Closed dakusui closed 3 months ago

dakusui commented 3 months ago

This is a pull request for your information. So far, I made sure that this works with Java17 and Java21. The rendered JavaDoc by the modified AsciiDoclet with Java 21 is found here.

I am now removing unnecessary changes from the PR for your convenience.

dakusui commented 3 months ago

Remaining Issue (1): Following warnings are printed during mvn compile (Java 21.0.2).


[INFO] --- maven-compiler-plugin:3.12.1:compile (default-compile) @ asciidoclet ---
[WARNING] ****************************************************************************************************************************************************************************
[WARNING] * Required filename-based automodules detected: [asciidoctorj-2.5.12.jar, asciidoctorj-api-2.5.12.jar]. Please don't publish this project to a public artifact repository! *
[WARNING] ****************************************************************************************************************************************************************************


[WARNING] system modules path not set in conjunction with -source 17


[INFO] /home/hiroshi/Documents/github/asciidoctor/asciidoclet/src/main/java/org/asciidoctor/asciidoclet/ Some input files use or override a deprecated API.
[INFO] /home/hiroshi/Documents/github/asciidoctor/asciidoclet/src/main/java/org/asciidoctor/asciidoclet/ Recompile with -Xlint:deprecation for details.
dakusui commented 3 months ago

Remaining Issue (2): Following warnings are printed during mvn package (mvn-javadoc-plugin; Java 21.0.2)

[INFO] --- maven-javadoc-plugin:3.6.3:jar (attach-javadocs) @ asciidoclet ---
[INFO] No previous run data found, generating javadoc.
[WARNING] Javadoc Warnings
[WARNING] Mar 28, 2024 7:59:27 AM uri:classloader:/gems/asciidoctor-2.0.22/lib/asciidoctor/parser.rb parse
[WARNING] WARNING: README.adoc: line 115: section title out of sequence: expected level 1, got level 2
[WARNING] Mar 28, 2024 7:59:27 AM uri:classloader:/gems/asciidoctor-2.0.22/lib/asciidoctor/parser.rb parse
[WARNING] WARNING: README.adoc: line 152: section title out of sequence: expected level 1, got level 2
[WARNING] Mar 28, 2024 7:59:27 AM uri:classloader:/gems/asciidoctor-2.0.22/lib/asciidoctor/parser.rb parse
[WARNING] WARNING: README.adoc: line 182: section title out of sequence: expected level 1, got level 2
[WARNING] Mar 28, 2024 7:59:27 AM uri:classloader:/gems/asciidoctor-2.0.22/lib/asciidoctor/parser.rb parse
[WARNING] WARNING: README.adoc: line 203: section title out of sequence: expected level 1, got level 2
[WARNING] Mar 28, 2024 7:59:28 AM uri:classloader:/gems/asciidoctor-2.0.22/lib/asciidoctor/reader.rb resolve_include_path
[WARNING] WARNING: include file has illegal reference to ancestor of jail; recovering automatically
[WARNING] Mar 28, 2024 7:59:28 AM uri:classloader:/gems/asciidoctor-2.0.22/lib/asciidoctor/reader.rb resolve_include_path
[WARNING] WARNING: include file has illegal reference to ancestor of jail; recovering automatically
[WARNING] A non-LazyDocCommentTable instance is passed. Ignoring.
[WARNING] 1 warning
dakusui commented 3 months ago

Remaining Issue (3): Following warnings are printed during mvn package (mvn-shade-plugin; Java 21.0.2)

[INFO] Dependency-reduced POM written at: /home/hiroshi/Documents/github/asciidoctor/asciidoclet/dependency-reduced-pom.xml
[WARNING] Discovered module-info.class. Shading will break its strong encapsulation.
[WARNING] Discovered module-info.class. Shading will break its strong encapsulation.
[WARNING] Discovered module-info.class. Shading will break its strong encapsulation.
[WARNING] Discovered module-info.class. Shading will break its strong encapsulation.
[WARNING] Discovered module-info.class. Shading will break its strong encapsulation.
[WARNING] Discovered module-info.class. Shading will break its strong encapsulation.
[WARNING] Discovered module-info.class. Shading will break its strong encapsulation.
[WARNING] Discovered module-info.class. Shading will break its strong encapsulation.
[WARNING] Discovered module-info.class. Shading will break its strong encapsulation.
[WARNING] Discovered module-info.class. Shading will break its strong encapsulation.
[WARNING] Discovered module-info.class. Shading will break its strong encapsulation.
[WARNING] asciidoclet-2.0.0-SNAPSHOT.jar, asciidoctorj-2.5.12.jar, asciidoctorj-api-2.5.12.jar, asm-9.2.jar, asm-analysis-9.2.jar, asm-commons-9.2.jar, asm-tree-9.2.jar, asm-util-9.2.jar, backport9-1.13.jar, dirgra-0.3.jar, invokebinder-1.13.jar, jcodings-1.0.58.jar, jcommander-1.82.jar, jffi-1.3.13-native.jar, jffi-1.3.13.jar, jitescript-0.4.1.jar, jnr-a64asm-1.0.0.jar, jnr-constants-0.10.4.jar, jnr-enxio-0.32.17.jar, jnr-ffi-2.2.16.jar, jnr-netdb-1.2.0.jar, jnr-posix-3.1.19.jar, jnr-unixsocket-0.38.22.jar, jnr-x86asm-1.0.2.jar, joda-time-2.12.5.jar, joni-2.2.1.jar, jruby-, jruby-base-, jruby-stdlib-, jzlib-1.1.5.jar, options-1.6.jar define 1 overlapping resource: 
[WARNING] jruby-, jruby-stdlib- define 4 overlapping resources: 
[WARNING] maven-shade-plugin has detected that some files are
[WARNING] present in two or more JARs. When this happens, only one
[WARNING] single version of the file is copied to the uber jar.
[WARNING] Usually this is not harmful and you can skip these warnings,
[WARNING] otherwise try to manually exclude artifacts based on
[WARNING] mvn dependency:tree -Ddetail=true and the above output.
dakusui commented 3 months ago

I reverted a few changes in pom.xml since the JDK11 compiled version may work with JDK17 and JDK21. I am still checking.

abelsromero commented 3 months ago

I am still checking.

If you prefer, mark the PR as a draft while still making changes. And thanks a lot for the effort.

dakusui commented 3 months ago

I believe the compiled binary by JDK11 works under JDK21. The rendered result is found here:

This is generated for this repo:

abelsromero commented 3 months ago

@dakusui About the other comments you mentioned:

Following warnings are printed during mvn compile (Java 21.0.2).


It's OK: this warning is normal because AsciidoctoJ does not define Java module. This should be fixed upstream.


Its OK. It comes from the <source> in the maven-compiler-plugin. In theory for Java > 11 we should use <release> but that prevents the use of opens that we need. Truth be told, we are really pushing things hard with all the opens and exports, so warnings are expected.


I see you saw the issues :clap: . The code was still using methods labeled as @deprecated in AscidoctorJ.

Remaining Issue (2): Following warnings are printed during mvn package (mvn-javadoc-plugin; Java 21.0.2)

I don't see it in the current commit, Contratulations on fixing it! :tada:

Remaining Issue (3):

Following warnings are printed during mvn package (mvn-shade-plugin; Java 21.0.2)

Don't worry, this can be addressed separately Ideally, we should not need to publish a fatJar. A fatJar includes AsciidoctorJ which means we should need to do a release every time there's a new AsciidoctorJ. Doing a test without a fatJat, I saw that the jadavoc-plugin detects and downloads dependencies like AsciidoctorJ, but :shrug: for whatever reason does not add it to the classpath.

abelsromero commented 3 months ago

My end-to-end test on Java 21 is generating a weird header. Do you see the same?


If you prefer we can merge as Java 17 works fine and work on java 21 in another PR. The build works fine, I assume it's a styles thing :crossed_fingers:

EDIT: Looking a how javadocs are build for theasciidoctor-maven-plugin I see the white element is a new button and the other text is a new div and both by default apply display:none; and are not present when building with Java 17.

Adding the lines below the stylesheet17.css worked, given these elements are new, I think we can leave them with a comment. No need to have a full new file for Java 21.

ul.sub-nav-list-small {
    display: none;
button#navbar-toggle-button {
dakusui commented 3 months ago

Actually, I didn't. Mine shows this, which is less weird than yours.

Screenshot from 2024-04-07 05-25-51

After adding the suggested change, it became like this:

Screenshot from 2024-04-07 05-45-32