asciidoctor / asciidoclet

:clipboard: A Javadoc Doclet based on Asciidoctor that lets you write Javadoc in the AsciiDoc syntax.
Apache License 2.0
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Upgrade to Guava 24.1.1-jre #99

Closed msgilligan closed 2 years ago

msgilligan commented 4 years ago

This upgrade should eliminate the Github security warning.

Other than making sure this compiles and runs tests, I have not manually reviewed the change lists for Guava or the Asciidoclet code that is using it. I also didn't test or research using an even newer Guava. I just want the darn Github warning to go away.

johncarl81 commented 4 years ago

How about removing the dependence on Guava entirely?

msgilligan commented 4 years ago

How about removing the dependence on Guava entirely?

That would be preferable for sure, but I'm not going to volunteer to do it right now. We need to resolve the long-term issue (and the very viability of Asciidoclet on modern JDKs) before we spend time on a refactoring like removing Guava. It is also much easier to remove Guava when you are targeting newer JDKs (each incremental release from JDK 7-10 provides additional built-in functionality that replaces Guava methods/objects. For example JDK 7 replaces some of the Charsets constants and JDK 8 adds Optional which looks like one of the major usages.) So let's figure out what our long-term plan is for this plugin and then decide what to do about minimum JDK requirements and then what to do about replacing Guava.

johncarl81 commented 4 years ago

How this @msgilligan ?

mojavelinux commented 2 years ago

Let move forward with #100.