asciidoctor / asciidoctor-confluence

Push Asciidoctor file to Confluence
MIT License
82 stars 28 forks source link

Should this be archived? #29

Open xortim opened 3 years ago

xortim commented 3 years ago

Looks like this project hasn't received much attention in some time: no commits since 2015, a couple open PRs, a few open issues and lack of stated supported for newer versions of Confluence.

dcwangmit01 commented 3 years ago

I concur.

I wasn't able to get this project to work. It didn't seem to accept options that other asciidoctor commands accepted such as asciidoctor, asciidoctor-pdf, aciidoctor-epub3. Options such as these would result in error.

-a data-uri -a allow-uri-read -r asciidoctor-diagram

I didn't spend time debugging this, but I would imagine that this project hasn't been updated for latest versions of asciidoctor.

Reading through the comments, there were lots of requests to make this project generate native Confluence-compatible XML. I actually don't think this is necessary, since all we need to do to make generic asciidoc output compatible with Confluence is to wrap the native xhtml contents with a confluence html macro. The html macro will allow confluence to render the XHTML untouched in its entirety including any base64 embedded images. Thus, I think this module may be simplified.

<ac:structured-macro ac:name = "html"><ac:plain-text-body><![CDATA[



For the time being, I'm using the above workaround with this project here:

barthel commented 1 year ago


mojavelinux commented 1 year ago

If no one is going to come forward to maintain it, I am agreeable to archiving the repository. Consider this an official call for maintainer. If no one follows up in the next few days, I'll assume there is no one interested and will archive it. We can always unarchive it if that situation changes.

snowe2010 commented 1 year ago

I have yet to start using this repo, but my team is just now becoming in need of it. I'd be willing to maintain it, but would need some time to look into the code and get familiar with it.

brucellino commented 3 months ago

Hello! 👋🏾 it's almost next year. Just wanted to check if this project is still alive?

mojavelinux commented 3 months ago

Open source projects are always alive. They just might not be receiving any changes (and could even be archived). The commit history shows when someone last worked on it. I know there are people who still use this project on a daily basis, so no changes doesn't mean no users. That's why I've been hesitant to archive it.

If you want to connect with other users of the project, feel free to do so in the project chat at

mojavelinux commented 3 months ago

@snowe2010 Are you still interested in being a maintainer?