For better layout of PlantUML diagrams, I mostly use ELK (Eclipse Layout Kernel). As ELK is not part of the official PlantUML distribution, using asciidoctor-diagram cannot render such diagrams. This issue can easily circumvented when e.g. using the asciidocotr Maven plugin by simply adding the following ELK libraries as a dependency to the plugin.
However, when e.g. using the this way of providing additional libraries is not possible. Following the ELK discussions and timeline around PlantUML, I don't see that it will be integrated soon into PlantUML itself.
Therefore, it would be great if asciidoctor-diagram could bring the dependencies to ELK itself and thus support a third layouting option besides GraphViz and Smetana for many tools built on top of asciidoctor-diagram.
For better layout of PlantUML diagrams, I mostly use ELK (Eclipse Layout Kernel). As ELK is not part of the official PlantUML distribution, using asciidoctor-diagram cannot render such diagrams. This issue can easily circumvented when e.g. using the asciidocotr Maven plugin by simply adding the following ELK libraries as a dependency to the plugin.
However, when e.g. using the this way of providing additional libraries is not possible. Following the ELK discussions and timeline around PlantUML, I don't see that it will be integrated soon into PlantUML itself.
Therefore, it would be great if asciidoctor-diagram could bring the dependencies to ELK itself and thus support a third layouting option besides GraphViz and Smetana for many tools built on top of asciidoctor-diagram.