asciidoctor / asciidoctor-doctest

:hammer: Test suite for Asciidoctor backends
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(wip) Resolves #13, allow to configure a processor on the HTML converter #16

Closed ggrossetie closed 5 years ago

ggrossetie commented 7 years ago

The HTML converter can now be configured to use a "custom" processor. By default we are using the AsciidocProcessor (previously known as AsciidocConverter).

Ultimately we should be able to configure the Rake task as follows... do |t|
  t.output_examples :html, path: 'test/output/slim'
  t.input_examples :asciidoc, path: [ *DocTest.examples_path, 'examples' ]
  t.converter = DocTest::HTML::Converter
  t.processor = AsciidoctorJSCliProcessor
  t.converter_opts = { template_dirs: 'templates/slim' }
  t.converter_opts = { backend_name: 'revealjs' }

... but I did not figure out (yet) how to configure the converter in the rake_tasks.rb (see FIXME) ?

obilodeau commented 5 years ago

Was this resolved elsewhere or abandoned? Context: I think I was tracking that PR so I could get asciidoctor-reveal.js under asciidoctor.js to use doctest too for regression testing.

ggrossetie commented 5 years ago

I decided to close this pull request because I did not know what to do to make it work. We should probably ask Jakub about how we should implement it (so we are all in-sync about this feature) and then open a new pull request on master.