asciidoctor / asciidoctor-extensions-lab

A lab for testing and demonstrating Asciidoctor extensions. Please do not use this code in production. If you want to use one of these extensions in your application, create a new project, import the code, and distribute it as a RubyGem. You can then request to make it a top-level project under the Asciidoctor organization.
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Create extension to detect merge conflicts #16

Open mojavelinux opened 9 years ago

mojavelinux commented 9 years ago

Create an extension to detect merge conflicts in AsciiDoc source files.

With large commits, it's easy to miss some conflict and accidentally commit it. Example here:

When this happens in source code, the compiler or a test will normally tell you. If Asciidoctor could detect the pattern and tell you (aka fail the build), that would be great. This could likely be handled by a Preprocessor extension.

jirutka commented 9 years ago


nawroth commented 9 years ago
