asciidoctor / asciidoctor-kroki

Asciidoctor.js extension to convert diagrams to images using Kroki!
MIT License
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PlantUML include resolver is not available in the Ruby extension #259

Open mskyaxl opened 3 years ago

mskyaxl commented 3 years ago


I am trying to create a set of libraries of files that are included in most of my plantuml diagrams and I'm having a hard time figuring out why kroki-plantuml-include-paths is not working

My setup:

Ubuntu 20.04 on which I have

version: "3"
    image: yuzutech/kroki
      - "8000:8000"


@startuml lib

skinparam sequence {
ActorBorderColor Black
LifeLineBorderColor black
ParticipantBorderColor black
ArrowColor Black
LifeLineBackgroundColor black




!include ./lib.puml

Actor A
Actor B

A -> B: test
A <-- B: response


:doctype: book
:doctitle: test

:kroki-plantuml-include-paths: {docdir}
:imagesdir: images



= adoc


all the files are in the same directory(mounted to /documents to docker)

bash-5.1# asciidoctor -r asciidoctor-kroki test.adoc
asciidoctor: FAILED: /documents/test.adoc: Failed to load AsciiDoc document - 400 Bad Request
  Use --trace for backtrace

Kroki log shows

{"timestamp":"1620972621879","level":"ERROR","thread":"vert.x-eventloop-thread-1","mdc":{"error_message":"cannot include ./lib.puml (line: 2)","path":"/plantuml/svg/eNpzKC5JLCopzc3h4lLMzEvOKU1JVdDTz8lM0isACzoml-QXKThCaSeggIKunYKTlUJJanEJkGOjqwviFaUWF-TnFadyOaTmpQA1AgCk_hqg","method":"GET","action":"error","error_code":"400","failure_class_name":"io.kroki.server.error.BadRequestException","user_agent":"Ruby"},"logger":"io.kroki.server.error.ErrorHandler","message":"An error occurred","context":"default","exception":"io.kroki.server.error.BadRequestException: cannot include ./lib.puml (line: 2)\n\tat io.kroki.server.service.Plantuml.convert(\n\tat io.kroki.server.service.Plantuml.lambda$convert$5(\n\tat io.vertx.core.impl.ContextImpl.lambda$null$0(\n\tat io.vertx.core.impl.AbstractContext.dispatch(\n\tat io.vertx.core.impl.ContextImpl.lambda$executeBlocking$1(\n\tat\n\tat java.base/java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker(Unknown Source)\n\tat java.base/java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$ Source)\n\tat\n\tat java.base/ Source)\n"}
  1. using :kroki-plantuml-include: {docdir}/lib.puml worked but this is not enough for me as I have different includes for different files.
  2. removing the include also generates the document successfully

My project is more complicated than this, with a more elaborated folder structure but I strip it down to the simplest form and not even this works.

What am I doing wrong?

ggrossetie commented 3 years ago

kroki-plantuml-include-paths is currently only supported when using the JavaScript extension. So this feature needs to be implemented in the Ruby extension as well.

archiloque commented 2 years ago

@Mogztter I'm interested in working on this issue but I don't know how to start it, for example Asciidoctor::PreprocessorReader#resolve_include_path doesn't seem to support a list of possible directories to look into, could you explain how the case should be handled? Thanks!

ggrossetie commented 2 years ago

I'm interested in working on this issue but I don't know how to start it, for example Asciidoctor::PreprocessorReader#resolve_include_path doesn't seem to support a list of possible directories to look into, could you explain how the case should be handled? Thanks!

We should use our own mechanism. Asciidoctor::PreprocessorReader#resolve_include_path is used to resolve the include:: directive in Asciidoctor. The PlantUML !include directive achieves a similar goal but does not work exactly the same.

The goal here is to implement the following JavaScript function in Ruby: