asciidoctor / asciidoctor-kroki

Asciidoctor.js extension to convert diagrams to images using Kroki!
MIT License
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Unable to install recent version of asciidoctor-kroki in a maven build #367

Closed Riduidel closed 2 years ago

Riduidel commented 2 years ago

I'm using asciidoctor-kroki to write my diagrams for my conferences

Since asciidoctor-kroki is available as a ruby gem, I have to use torquebox maven plugin to install asciidoctor-kroki.

So I have this dependency definition

            <!-- Avoid downloading gems included in AsciidoctorJ -->

And this configuration for the gem-maven-plugin

                    <!-- Install required gems in target directory -->

Unfortunatly, my build always fails with this error

[INFO] --- gem-maven-plugin:2.0.1:initialize (install-gems) @ conferences ---
[WARNING] ERROR:  While executing gem ... (ArgumentError)
    " html, b" is not an octal string

I've started a small debug session, revealing that gem-maven-plugin in fact invokes the Java executable

load('jar:file:C:\Users\nicolas-delsaux\.m2\repository\org\jruby\jruby-complete\\jruby-complete-!/META-INF/jruby.home/bin/gem') install --ignore-dependencies --no-user-install --no-verbose --no-document C:\Users\nicolas-delsaux\.m2\repository\rubygems\asciidoctor-kroki\0.17.0\asciidoctor-kroki-0.17.0.gem --bindir C:\Users\nicolas-delsaux\Documents\Zenika\conferences\target\gems\bin

Do you have ay idea how I could fix that ?

ggrossetie commented 2 years ago

I don't really know as I've never encountered this error... 🤔

It seems related to rubygems, I found a similar issue (with the same error message): (not sure if it's related or not).

Do you know when this issue appeared? (As you said "a recent version" which implies that it previously worked?)

Riduidel commented 2 years ago

I'll collect some occurences of that weirdness.

We have

Riduidel commented 2 years ago

Seems like I have an other thing to check:

when opening the asciidoctor-kroki file (obtained from the rubygems maven mriror at torquebox), I have the following content (which is neither zip nor tar*)

<!DOCTYPE html>
        <meta charset="utf-8">
        <style type="text/css">
            html, body, #partner, iframe {
            body {
        <meta content="NOW" name="expires">
        <meta content="index, follow, all" name="GOOGLEBOT">
        <meta content="index, follow, all" name="robots">
        <!-- Following Meta-Tag fixes scaling-issues on mobile devices -->
        <meta content="width=device-width; initial-scale=1.0; maximum-scale=1.0; user-scalable=0;" name="viewport">
        <div id="partner"></div>
        <script type="text/javascript">
                    '<script type="text/javascript" language="JavaScript"'
                            + 'src="//'
                            + + '/'
                            + 'tierraexpired'
                            + '/park.js">'
                    + '<\/script>'

I may be wrong, but it seems like is no more a good url to fetch gems for maven projects ... And indeed, the link in the script fragment directs to

Suddelny, all clarifies : there is an issue on rubygems project: domain is expired

Riduidel commented 2 years ago

Thanks to Twitter I've found an alternative proxy!

Riduidel commented 2 years ago

Well, that's weird, when trying to get asciidoctor-kroki through the repository, I get the same file, which means that "new" url directs to the same content.

Riduidel commented 2 years ago

Let's try to give more visibility to that question ... I've asked it on StackOverflow.

Riduidel commented 2 years ago

Fixed by switching to another rubygem download maven plugin : the mavengem download plugin dynamically converts rubygem repository structure to maven one, allowing download of rubygems in amven without relying upon a translating proxy.

ggrossetie commented 2 years ago

without relying upon a translating proxy.

I think that's the right approach. We should probably recommend it on the Asciidoctor documentation. I don't mind adding instruction on how to install the Asciidoctor Kroki extension using Maven (and potentially Gradle) in the README. Could you please share a minimal pom.xml that converts an AsciiDoc file to HTML with the Asciidoctor Kroki extension enabled?