asciidoctor / asciidoctor-latex

:triangular_ruler: Add LaTeX features to AsciiDoc & convert AsciiDoc to LaTeX
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asciidoctor-bibtex not working with current version #84

Open Nadano opened 4 years ago

Nadano commented 4 years ago

I have been tasked with making a review of existing alternatives to latex/word for writing scientific literature and, although the easy syntax and power of the language are great candidates for making it a tool for note-taking or even writing serious scientific documents (more and more people would like to use something that integrates well with git) I find myself unable to recommend asciidoctor because of the lack of latex output with bibtex bibliography: asciidoctor-bibtex complains that the current version of asciidoctor-latex is lower than the expected 2.0. This seriously limits the amount formats that currently work without problems to html and pdf, which make difficult to collaborate with teams using existing solutions. Being able to output to latex would give much more flexibility in this regard.

Is there a expected release date for the update of asciidoctor-latex?

nitrocalcite commented 4 years ago

Late to this, but see PR #82. Fortunetly, nothing is broken internally - it's just an overly-conservative Gemfile. If you change the Gemfile to allow installation, LaTeX compilation seems to work.