asciidoctor / asciidoctor-latex

:triangular_ruler: Add LaTeX features to AsciiDoc & convert AsciiDoc to LaTeX
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Multiple errors and dysfunctional .tex file #85

Open jfernandz opened 4 years ago

jfernandz commented 4 years ago

When I convert my MWE to a .tex file and then I try to produce a .pdf output with xelatex I'm getting a lot of errors which apparently point to a malformed .tex file. I don't know if this is related with my xetex install or the asciidoctor-latex itself. This is my MWE

:stem: latexmath

= Table example with latex syntax

== Testing

I'm also testing a few admonitions

.First admonition
Here you have a note. 
.Table inside a block
| (Test) \[X_nY_m\]
| * \(X\) with \(i\)
* \(Y\) with \(j\)
| [cols=">.^"]

IMPORTANT: Here a second admonition with no title.


I've already seen several issues mentioning lack of support for asterisk lists or tables and fontspec/pdflatex problems. I would say there is also bad support for \[\] enclosures and nested tables. Anyway ... this is the xelatex output when I try to produce the .pdf file (basically the log):


It seems to have a few syntax errors. When I try to use pdflatex instead I cannot use fontspec as #79 suggests. And also I need to switch the \[\] enclosure for a $$ one. In fact, the tabular equivalent environment produced in .tex file is this one

\admonition{NOTE}{Here you have a note.}
(Test) \[X_nY_m\] & \ & \ \\ 

Which I think is far to be what it should be (actually the \(\) are not being recognised either). The nested table and asterisk list is not rendered at all.

I would like a full support for all those features, otherwise I'm not sure if this asciidoctor-latex could be considered as fully functional.

jfernandz commented 4 years ago

After a few conversations in ascidoctor-mathematical repo I've realised \[\] and \(\) are not part of asciidoc syntax. That's because I've modified and extended my MWE a little bit.

:stem: latexmath
:icons: font

= Table example with latex syntax

== Testing

I'm also testing a few admonitions

.First admonition
Here you have a note. 
.Table inside a block
| (Testing text)

| * stem:[X] with stem:[n=i]
* stem:[Y] with stem:[m=j]
| [cols=">.^"]
! Nested ! Table ! Inside

IMPORTANT: Here a second admonition with no title.

.Now a ordered list
. First item with a `stem` macro: stem:[\quad \rightarrow \quad a^2 - y_0] 
. Second item with a `[stem]` block
.. For the first subitem
y = Ln\left(\frac{a}{a_0}\right)

.Picture of a strange plane.

I'm trying to test stem macros and blocks in different situations. Particularly I'm getting this document body for the .tex file after give the .adoc file to asciidoctor-latex.

%% Begin Document %%

I’m also testing a few admonitions

\admonition{NOTE}{Here you have a note.}
( & \ & \ \\ 

\admonition{IMPORTANT}{Here a second admonition with no title.}

\item{First item with a \textttlatexmath macro: \quad \rightarrow \quad a^2 - y_0}

\item{Second item with a \texttt{[stem]} block}


\item{For the first subitem}

y = Ln\left(\frac{a}{a_0}\right)





Obviously there a malformed body as you can see, there lack a lot of math expressions originally included in the .adoc file, mainly those inside table; but also the in-line math in the first item in the ordered list.