asciidoctor / asciidoctor-mathematical

An extension for Asciidoctor that converts the content of STEM blocks and inline macros using Mathematical.
MIT License
49 stars 45 forks source link

Failure to install on Ubuntu 22.04 #122

Open rpsene opened 1 year ago

rpsene commented 1 year ago

When trying to install on a ubuntu 22.04 container image I'm getting

gem update --system; gem install asciidoctor-mathematical          1054.8s
 => => # installed?'
 => => # from /usr/lib/ruby/vendor_ruby/rubygems/request_set.rb:173:in `block (2 levels)
 => => #  in install'
 => => # ERROR:  While executing gem ... (Gem::RemoteFetcher::FetchError)
 => => #     bad response Forbidden 403 (
 => => # thematical-1.6.16.gemspec.rz)

When we look at there is no version 1.6.16.

Is this a known issue as I started to see this behavior only last week?

rpsene commented 1 year ago

Setting a hard-code dependency works! In this case mathematical:1.6.14

bwklein commented 1 year ago

Setting a hard-code dependency works! In this case mathematical:1.6.14

@rpsene how did you do this from the install side?

Currently, I am installing gems in a Docker container like this...

RUN gem install --no-document \
  "asciidoctor:${ASCIIDOCTOR_VERSION}" \
  asciidoctor-bibtex \
  asciidoctor-confluence \
  asciidoctor-diagram \
  asciidoctor-mathematical \
  asciimath \
  "asciidoctor-pdf:${ASCIIDOCTOR_PDF_VERSION}" \
  asciidoctor-revealjs \
  asciidoctor-html5s \
  coderay \
  haml \
  pygments.rb \
  prawn-gmagick \
  rake \
  rghost \
  rouge \
  slim \
  thread_safe \

Is there a way from this command to tell asciidoctor-mathematical to install 1.6.14 of the mathematical gem it depends on and not the latest release that was 'yanked'?

I still don't understand how a 'yanked' gem would still try to install as a dependency, but I know very little about gems and how it all works under the hood.

rpsene commented 1 year ago

@bwklein yes, take a look here

bwklein commented 1 year ago

@rpsene That did the trick! Thank you! 🎉

4e554c4c commented 10 months ago has been released