asciidoctor / asciidoctor-reveal.js

:crystal_ball: A reveal.js converter for Asciidoctor and Asciidoctor.js. Write your slides in AsciiDoc!
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Q: Possible to have different background images on different slides using CSS? #426

Open rillbert opened 3 years ago

rillbert commented 3 years ago

Hi, Is it possible to use a combination of CSS styles and asciidoctor roles to define a separate background image, that fills the entire display for specific slides?

In my slide deck, I have the following background images defined via CSS rules:

  1. A specific background for the title page, defined as:

    body .title {
    background: url("../mytitleimage.svg") no-repeat center center fixed;;
    background-size: cover;
  2. Another background image that all other slides use, defined as:

    /* Set the background image for all normal slides */
    body {
    background: url("../myslidebackground.svg") no-repeat center center fixed;
    background-size: contain;

    I would like to be able to define other background images for slides that include a specific role or attribute. An example use case would be a 'heading slide' for a sub-section of the presentation.

I believe that I've tried the different ways mentioned in the documentation, e.g.

== Slide One

Is very red

Combined with a css style. This does only seem to apply the css rule to the background of the paragraph within the slide. I've also tried the 'data-state' approach but again, I can not achieve my goal of having a background image cover the entire display.

Reading the revealjs docs, it appears that it would be possible to do this by adding a 'data-background-image' attribute to the section element for the slide but so far, I've been unsuccessful to do that using CSS/asciidoctor roles. It does work however, if I include the image explicitly in a slide using the 'image::' macro but again, I am looking for a CSS based solution to decouple the layout from the content of the presentation.

Any help is appreciated.

ggrossetie commented 3 years ago


reveal.js is using data attributes to set background that covers the full slide:

Is it possible to use a combination of CSS styles and asciidoctor roles to define a separate background image, that fills the entire display for specific slides?

Not sure... you should try to declare a background image using the image:: macro approach and inspect the HTML to see what reveal.js is doing.