asciidoctor / asciidoctor-stylesheet-factory

!DEPRECATED! This was the utility project for producing the default stylesheet for the HTML converter in Asciidoctor. The source of the default stylesheet now lives in the main Asciidoctor repository.
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Add missing border styles in default stylesheet #12

Closed leif81 closed 10 years ago

leif81 commented 10 years ago

This is for asciidoctor/asciidoctor#569.

I've never used sass before and I'm by no means a CSS expert so bare with me. It took a little trial and error to get things looking OK. I'm pretty happy with how it turned out and tables look a heck of a lot better in print view too. Other than copying the styles verbatim from epub3.css, there are a few small changes worth pointing out here:

1) I added a CSS selector block not found in epub3.css to avoid the grid-all class from adding a border on the right side of the table. My guess was that the grid-all class was intended to only style inner borders and the frame-all class to only style outer ones? The issue this addresses was noticeable when frame-none and grid-all were used in combination. If this is desired we may want to apply this fix to epub3.css too.

table.grid-all td:last-child { border-right-width: 0; }

2) I tried to be clever and use the sass variables $table-border-highlight-size and $table-border-highlight-color. One consequence of this is that the color is #dddddd rather than #80807F if I had copied verbatim from the epub3.css.

3) Lastly I removed the original table.grid-all selector block that among other things was rounding the table corners. I noticed it wasn't used in epub3.css and it was causing me some grief so I got rid of it.

Let me know what you think. If any of this requires fixing up let me know.

I suspect once this is merged we'll want a PR that copies the generated asciidoctor.css into the asciidoctor project?

mojavelinux commented 10 years ago

Nice work! I think you did an excellent job of figuring out SASS! Table borders are one of the hardest places to start, so an extra :+1: for that.

The table-border-highlight-color and table-border-highlight-side were actually part of an experiment and I think we should drop them now that we have proper borders. We should just use table-border-color and table-border-size. I also agree we should drop the border radius stuff too. It only adds complexity to the stylesheet.

I made a few tweaks to catch some corner cases. The following styles work as expected in all my tests. Could you update the pull request?

// NOTE .grid-* selectors must be defined before .frame-* selectors in order for styles to cascade properly
td.tableblock {
  border: 0 solid $table-border-color;

table.grid-all th.tableblock,
table.grid-all td.tableblock {
  border-width: 0 $table-border-size $table-border-size 0;

table.grid-all tfoot > tr > th.tableblock,
table.grid-all tfoot > tr > td.tableblock {
  border-width: $table-border-size $table-border-size 0 0;

table.grid-cols th.tableblock,
table.grid-cols td.tableblock {
  border-width: 0 $table-border-size 0 0;

table.grid-all * > tr > .tableblock:last-child,
table.grid-cols * > tr > .tableblock:last-child {
  border-right-width: 0;

table.grid-rows th.tableblock,
table.grid-rows td.tableblock {
  border-width: 0 0 $table-border-size 0;

table.grid-all thead:last-child > tr > th.tableblock,
table.grid-rows thead:last-child > tr > th.tableblock {
  border-bottom-width: 0;

table.grid-all tbody > tr:last-child > th.tableblock,
table.grid-all tbody > tr:last-child > td.tableblock,
table.grid-rows tbody > tr:last-child > th.tableblock,
table.grid-rows tbody > tr:last-child > td.tableblock {
  border-bottom-width: 0;

table.grid-rows tfoot > tr > th.tableblock,
table.grid-rows tfoot > tr > td.tableblock {
  border-width: $table-border-size 0 0 0;

table.frame-all {
  border-width: $table-border-size;

table.frame-sides {
  border-width: 0 $table-border-size;

table.frame-topbot {
  border-width: $table-border-size 0;
leif81 commented 10 years ago

Awesome. Do you prefer me squashing and force pushing changes to PR's or just pushing a new commit with the fix so we can see the history?

leif81 commented 10 years ago

Btw I noticed a couple possibly unintended side effects in your change:

leif81 commented 10 years ago

Btw hope that's not weird for me to set you as the author for that second patch. Still trying to figure out the best way to make fixes to a PR based on feedback.

leif81 commented 10 years ago

Ok take a peek at those two commits that address the issues I commented on above. You're right, getting these table border combinations just right is making my head swim :)

mojavelinux commented 10 years ago

This drops the frame-topbot class, was that intended?

Copy-paste error. I just updated the code block in my comment to include it.

mojavelinux commented 10 years ago

Whenever I update a pull request, I usually just force an amended commit. I also keep the original author, even if it incorporates changes suggested by others in the comments. The way I see it, the person who sent the pull request is driving the change and therefore gets to be the author :)

leif81 commented 10 years ago

Cool, in the future I'll amend and force push the commits on PR's.

I've got the frame-topbot in the PR now.

I'm very happy with it all. Anything else before it's merged?

mojavelinux commented 10 years ago

When frame-none+ grid-all are set the table bottom is bordered. I suspect that's not intended because when frame-none + grid-rows is used it doesn't do that? I expect the intention of grid-all to be grid-all = grid-rows + grid-cols?

Thanks. I completely overlooked that case. I updated the code block to add grid-all on the tr:last-child styles for grid-rows. I also disable the bottom border if the table only has a header row.

mojavelinux commented 10 years ago

Btw, you caught and corrected the two issues you mentioned in the same way as I suggested in my comments, so the commit is sound. You just need to add the following rules:

table.grid-all thead:last-child > tr > th.tableblock,
table.grid-rows thead:last-child > tr > th.tableblock {
  border-bottom-width: 0;

Also, go ahead and remove the commented rules and squash the commit. Then we'll merge!

leif81 commented 10 years ago

Ok I've made those changes and squashed it up! Merge when ready! :ship:

mojavelinux commented 10 years ago

Awesome! Nice work! I'll merge that shortly and migrate the updates to Asciidoctor core.