asciidoctor / asciidoctor-stylesheet-factory

!DEPRECATED! This was the utility project for producing the default stylesheet for the HTML converter in Asciidoctor. The source of the default stylesheet now lives in the main Asciidoctor repository.
175 stars 87 forks source link

Install-instructions requires too much prior knowledge #50

Open acebone opened 3 years ago

acebone commented 3 years ago


I've never done anything with ruby before, so I don't know the all the "isms".

I think I managed to suss out, what it was I was supposed to have installed, but several of the commands in the install-instructions makes no sense to me. Ie. How can I just execute "bundle" and then expect it to know what I mean? Well, it turns out that it does not. could not locate Gemfile

An instruction like this: "To setup the project, make sure you have Ruby, RubyGems and, optionally Node and Bundler. Next, run Bundler to install the required gems:" is just plain confusing - ok, an optional prerequisite?!

Using the alternate commands works a little better, but ... the whole thing ends with: run ./ - Well, as far as I can tell, I've managed to install everything (even Bundle), but for the life of me: There is no file on my harddisk at all, and how did the author know what my current pwd would be?

Are the another set of instructions somewhere?

acebone commented 3 years ago

Well, I just realized that this project is actually only alive in order to make a basic css-skin. What is the recommended way of adapting stylesheets to particular needs now, should I just go with pure CSS that I load on top of the skin I wish to use?

Also I realised that the install instructions presupposes that I've cloned the git-repo first. I couldn't clone it, the git is no longer there, but I downloaded the zip-file instead. Now I get this:

  var alpha = colour.values.alpha;

TypeError: Cannot read property 'alpha' of undefined
    at min (/home/esm/src/asciidoctor-stylesheet-factory-master/node_modules/csscolormin/index.js:18:29)
    at Object.process (/home/esm/src/asciidoctor-stylesheet-factory-master/node_modules/cssshrink/lib/visitors/color-functions.js:35:20)
    at tree (/home/esm/src/asciidoctor-stylesheet-factory-master/node_modules/gonzales-ast/lib/traverse.js:7:20)
    at tree (/home/esm/src/asciidoctor-stylesheet-factory-master/node_modules/gonzales-ast/lib/traverse.js:15:13)
    at tree (/home/esm/src/asciidoctor-stylesheet-factory-master/node_modules/gonzales-ast/lib/traverse.js:15:13)
    at tree (/home/esm/src/asciidoctor-stylesheet-factory-master/node_modules/gonzales-ast/lib/traverse.js:15:13)
    at tree (/home/esm/src/asciidoctor-stylesheet-factory-master/node_modules/gonzales-ast/lib/traverse.js:15:13)
    at tree (/home/esm/src/asciidoctor-stylesheet-factory-master/node_modules/gonzales-ast/lib/traverse.js:15:13)
    at /home/esm/src/asciidoctor-stylesheet-factory-master/node_modules/gonzales-ast/lib/traverse.js:24:11
    at Array.forEach (<anonymous>)
mojavelinux commented 3 years ago

I strongly recommend pure CSS, and likely the successor to this project will do the same. After years of experience with using a CSS framework for this purpose, I find it more trouble than its worth. We would have been better off with plain CSS files with perhaps a basic postprocessor like autoprefixer for handling browser incompatibilities.

When I have a chance, I plan to document the CSS "API" that an AsciiDoc processor depends on. In other words, what are the utility styles that every stylesheet must implement. It would include things like table borders and stripes.

If you want to just start by existing the default stylesheet, you can import it from a CDN and layer styles over it. That's what does.

acebone commented 3 years ago

Thnx Mojavelinux - both for the answer and for your hard work. I use Asciidoctor mainly for documents and not documentation, and I'm pretty happy with it :)

I'm currently doing a "mindmap to asciidoctor" script, and it's a quite cool functionality to have. You can have a peak if you want to:

(I know that this is an issue-tracker and not a forum, just delete this message if you feel it doesn't belong here)