asciidoctor / asciidoctor-vscode

AsciiDoc support for Visual Studio Code using Asciidoctor
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Auto-complete language syntax in asciidoc content #482

Open JMHReif opened 2 years ago

JMHReif commented 2 years ago

Just like in IDEs for particular programming languages, I'd love to have an auto-complete extension when I write technical content in asciidoc.

For instance, I'm writing a blog post in asciidoc that gives examples (code blocks, as well as in-line snippets) in Java. Most of the time, when I write the code in an IDE, I don't type out every character. However, when I write Java syntax in asciidoc, I either type each character manually or copy/paste code from a file. It would be amazing to have the same tools that I use to write the code to write the technical content for it, as well!

AlexSneedMiller commented 1 year ago

This would be great! For me, even just the ability to auto 'complete' some syntax, such as the next bullet point when I hit 'return' on my keyboard.