asciidoctor / asciidoctor-vscode

AsciiDoc support for Visual Studio Code using Asciidoctor
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Asciidoctor-vscode does not display `tikz` images or graphviz images in preview #690

Open 00krishna opened 1 year ago

00krishna commented 1 year ago

Please provide details about:

I am trying to write an Asciidoc file for export to both pdf and html. I want to include both tikz and graphviz images in the output files. Right now, I can use the asciidoctor command line interface and generate the document including diagrams using asciidoctor-diagram. However, in the vscode extension, I cannot see the actual diagrams, but only the diagram text. So the the extension seems to not be processing the diagrams--or I am doing something incorrectly.

Graphviz should be available under the Kroki processor, and tikz is from latex and not Kroki. I have the use kroki to generate diagrams setting checked in the configuration for the extension. Not sure if I missed anything in doing that.

= AsciiDoc Article Title
self <>
3.0, July 29, 2022: AsciiDoc article template
:icons: font
:source-highlighter: rouge
:stem: latexmath

== Tikz testing 


\draw (-2,0) -- (2,0);
\filldraw [gray] (0,0) circle (2pt);
\draw (-2,-2) .. controls (0,0) .. (2,-2);
\draw (-2,2) .. controls (-1,0) and (1,0) .. (2,2);


== Graphviz testing

[graphviz, target=diagram-classes, format=svg]   
digraph mygraph {
  node [fontname="Helvetica,Arial,sans-serif"]
  edge [fontname="Helvetica,Arial,sans-serif"]
  node [shape=box];
  "//absl/random:random" -> "//absl/random:distributions"
  "//absl/random:random" -> "//absl/random:seed_sequences"
  "//absl/random:random" -> "//absl/random/internal:pool_urbg"
  "//absl/random:random" -> "//absl/random/internal:nonsecure_base"
  "//absl/random:distributions" -> "//absl/strings:strings"
  "//absl/random:seed_sequences" -> "//absl/random/internal:seed_material"
  "//absl/random:seed_sequences" -> "//absl/random/internal:salted_seed_seq"
  "//absl/random:seed_sequences" -> "//absl/random/internal:pool_urbg"
  "//absl/random:seed_sequences" -> "//absl/random/internal:nonsecure_base"
  "//absl/random/internal:nonsecure_base" -> "//absl/random/internal:pool_urbg"
  "//absl/random/internal:nonsecure_base" -> "//absl/random/internal:salted_seed_seq"
  "//absl/random/internal:nonsecure_base" -> "//absl/random/internal:seed_material"
  "//absl/random/internal:pool_urbg" -> "//absl/random/internal:seed_material"
  "//absl/random/internal:salted_seed_seq" -> "//absl/random/internal:seed_material"
  "//absl/random/internal:seed_material" -> "//absl/strings:strings"

I expected to see the images. Here is an example from the pdf. I used the following command string to process the document.

asciidoctor -r asciidoctor-mathematical -r asciidoctor-pdf -r asciidoctor-diagram -b pdf simple_math_text.adoc 

When I look at the preview in the vscode extension, I just see the pass through text of the code.


ggrossetie commented 1 year ago

Probably related to could you please try to update the security settings?

edl7878 commented 1 month ago

tikz not working, but graphviz works in asciidoc