asciidoctor / asciidoctor-vscode

AsciiDoc support for Visual Studio Code using Asciidoctor
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folding of properties/attributes #719

Open maxandersen opened 1 year ago

maxandersen commented 1 year ago

would be great to collapse properties/attributes to remove "metadata noise".

Example from using asciidoctor reveal.js you have this block that you don't really need to see for normal editing:

= Embracing a new thing :date: 2022-05-10
:revealjs_theme: white
:customcss: css/custom.css
:favicon: ./images/favicon.ico
// better 
:title-slide-background-image: images/blackspace.png
:slide-background-image: images/slide2-white.png
:revealjs_fragmentInURL: true
:revealjs_hash: true
:revealjs_controls: true
:revealjs_controlsLayout: edges
:revealjs_controlsTutorial: true
:revealjs_slideNumber: c/t
:revealjs_showSlideNumber: speaker
:revealjs_autoPlayMedia: true
:revealjs_totalTime: 2700
//:revealjs_parallaxBackgroundImage:  images/mntbackground.jpg
//:revealjs_parallaxBackgroundSize: 4936px 2092px
:source-highlighter: highlight.js
// leave empty or pick style from gallery at and find url at
:revealjs_preloadIframes: true
:icons: font

Main text

would be nice to have that be:

   = Embracing Quarkus 3
> (attributes)

Main text
ggrossetie commented 1 year ago

That's an excellent idea! 👍🏻