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Can't find 'collapsible' documentation on #1007

Closed oddhack closed 3 years ago

oddhack commented 3 years ago

Putting 'collapsible' into the searchbox on just turns up references to the compound block processor extension and the What's New list, but no actual documentation. Is this supported at present? If so, can it be used with anything other than example blocks? Potentially quite useful for us if so.

N.b. appears to be down at the moment, or I'd have asked there.

oddhack commented 3 years ago

NM, I see this is a duplicate of

mojavelinux commented 3 years ago

Yep, the documentation is no longer stored in this repository. appears to be down at the moment, or I'd have asked there.

Nabble sprung a migration on us without much notice, so there are steps I need to do to get it back up. While we do plan to keep that running, the bulk of the community discussions have been moved to