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:globe_with_meridians: Asciidoctor project site. Composed in AsciiDoc. Baked with Awestruct.
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Stop leading people into a potential trap at #1010

Closed ramalho closed 2 years ago

ramalho commented 2 years ago

Thank you for making Asciidoctor.

I appreciate you want to give credit to the awestruct project, but right now I think this is a disservice and may soon be a serious hazard to anyone interested in using Asciidoctor. The problem is that was hacked and the maintainer of awestruct has ignored this serious issue. See

Currently, the hacked site apparently only serves to boost the SEO of some random site. But nothing prevents the people who now control to link to a clone of the original awestruct/awestruct repo with malicious code that could have very serious consequences.

As long as the maintainer of awestruct does not address this grave situation, I think you should remove all references to the name "awestruct" from the Asciidoctor site. Right now, anyone interested in deploying a site with Asciidoctor and awestruct will find the hacked site as the first search result.

mojavelinux commented 2 years ago

Seems sensible to me.