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Combining cells in the table header #1034

Closed SemenLimorenko closed 4 months ago

SemenLimorenko commented 4 months ago

Good time of day!

Faced with the need to develop documentation using AsciiDoctor. I sort of figured out the tables, but I can't beat combining cells in the table header:

.Table name [cols="1,1,1,1,1", hrows=2] ==== .2+ United cell 1 2+ United cell in row .2+ United cell 2 .2+ United cell 3 Call 1 Cell 2

As a result, the boundary between Cell 2 and United cell 2 disappears:


Independent search for a solution did not bring results, I ask for help.

mojavelinux commented 4 months ago

Please direct questions about usage to the project chat at See Thanks!