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"Repositories" Content Discussion #453

Open jaredmorgs opened 8 years ago

jaredmorgs commented 8 years ago is currently available to create content for.

Use this issue as a tracker for content suggestions, or feel free to provide PRs referencing this ticket to keep track of contributions.

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jaredmorgs commented 8 years ago

I think we should mention here that not all repositories are equal when it comes to Asciidoctor support. For example, GitHub is pretty great, but BitBucket (Atlassian Stash) is absolutely terrible.

Can't speak for GitLab but I assume it is pretty good. I know Red Hat were using an implementation of GitLab to do all the docs migrations to Asciidoc.

mojavelinux commented 8 years ago

Definitely. Setting some expectations here would be ideal and likely save us a lot of support questions.

jaredmorgs commented 8 years ago

Hot off the press for BitBucket Server installations today, is Asciidoctor support

This is a 3rd party plug-in that is not compatible with (Cloud). Only self-hosted server instances can be used at this stage.

There is another plugin under development, but not hosted on the marketplace

I would like to see both devs collaborate and unify, but that is out of scope for this fix.

On Fri, 1 Jan 2016 at 14:07 Dan Allen wrote:

Definitely. Setting some expectations here would be ideal and likely save us a lot of support questions.

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