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Reusable content and language specific documentation #753

Closed ggrossetie closed 1 year ago

ggrossetie commented 6 years ago

As part of improving the Asciidoctor.js documentation, I came across this useful appendix that describe the Ruby API options.

As you may know, the JavaScript API options are very similar but with a few exceptions:

To keep the documentation as DRY as possible, I think we should reuse the content.

My first attempt was to use custom attributes to share the description of each option:

// API options description
:api-options-attributes-description: Sets additional document attributes, which override equivalently-named attributes defined in the document unless the value ends with `@`.
:api-options-backend-description: Selects the converter to use (as registered with this keyword).

And then use attribute substitution:

|html5, docbook5, or any backend registered through an active converter

Upon reflection, it's not a good idea because attributes can not include AsciiDoc block content (and more broadly should not be used to hold content).

Instead I think we should use the include directive to include specific regions of content.

// tag::attributes-description[]   
Sets additional document attributes, which override equivalently-named attributes defined in the document unless the value ends with `@`.
// end::attributes-description[]   

// tag::backend-description[]  
Selects the converter to use (as registered with this keyword).
// end::backend-description[]
|_not set_
|Any number of built-in or user-defined attributes in one of the following formats:

Does it make sense ? Should we be concerned by the number of include ? Do you think it's a good idea ?

mojavelinux commented 1 year ago

I would say yes, use includes where you see fit. I don't think we should be concerned about too many includes as long as the include by itself can be viewed as a unit of information. I don't like includes (or even attributes) to replace single words or a short phrase as that just becomes excessive and hard to maintain.

The Antora platform on which the docs are now based make this possible, even across projects.