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Strengthen to +++ the + around mention of pass:[] #814

Closed andrewcarver closed 5 years ago

andrewcarver commented 5 years ago

In Sec. 10.4.3 of the User Manual, end of first sentence, someone attempted an inline mention of pass:[] by embedding it in a single-plus passthru macro: +pass:[]+. But for whatever reason, single-plus doesn't suffice with this content: it produces only an empty <code></code> element in the output.

Using the triple-plus passthru does work, however: +++pass:[]+++.

mojavelinux commented 5 years ago

My mistake. There was a merge conflict and one of my commits didn't get pushed to master. I just pushed it and I'm confident it solves the issue.

The problem has to do with the order of passthrough processing. While triple plus passthrough works, that's a little bit too brute force. The proper way to write this is as follows:

andrewcarver commented 5 years ago

Thanks Dan, for the fix and for the explanation--patient, helpful, useful.