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Using GraphViz with asciidoctor.js #816

Closed Skilly closed 3 years ago

Skilly commented 5 years ago

I can view plantuml successfully in Chrome with asciidoctor.js, however I'm unable to view GraphViz diagrams. I'm running on windows, have installed the GraphViz msi and have added the following environment variable:


Does asciidoctor.js support GraphViz diagrams?

mojavelinux commented 5 years ago

Not currently, to my knowledge. In the browser preview, Asciidoctor.js is using the following project, which is currently for plantuml only.

I would recommend filing an issue in that repository to get the conversation started about graphviz support. This repository is for the website, so no action will be taken here.

Skilly commented 5 years ago

Thanks @mojavelinux, will do

mojavelinux commented 5 years ago

Once you open the issue there, please mention it here then close this one. That way, others can follow the breadcrumbs.

mojavelinux commented 3 years ago

In the future, please ask usage questions in the community chat at