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:globe_with_meridians: Asciidoctor project site. Composed in AsciiDoc. Baked with Awestruct.
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Set up redirects to #818

Closed mojavelinux closed 3 years ago

mojavelinux commented 5 years ago

The documentation is currently being migrated from to Once the migration is complete, and is live, the docs folder should be removed from this site and replaced with rewrite rules that redirect the current pages to matching pages in the new docs site.

For the most part, this is just a 1-to-1 mapping. These redirects should be done using Netlify redirects.

The user manual will need special treatment since there are so many deep links to that page. Therefore, the current page should be replaced with a redirector page that inspects the fragment and issues a client-side (JavaScript) redirect to the most suitable page. (This is necessary since the fragment is not visible to a server-side rewrite engine).

mojavelinux commented 3 years ago

This is a duplicate of #981 and has since been resolved.