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27.2. Defining an Anchor doc bug in first para #871

Closed mark-summerfield closed 2 years ago

mark-summerfield commented 4 years ago

The last sentence of the first para reads:

"The anchor is declared by enclosing a valid XML Name in double square brackets (e.g., ) or using the shorthand ID syntax (e.g., [#idname]) at the start of an attribute list."

Notice that there is nothing between the "(e.g.," and the closing ")". I'm guessing it should show [[idname]] or [#idname]?

mojavelinux commented 4 years ago

Can you file docs issues here?

I'll transfer this one.

mark-summerfield commented 4 years ago

I thought that's what I'd done. I'm no github expert!

mojavelinux commented 4 years ago

You don't need to close. I already moved the issue (thanks to the handy feature that GitHub offers).

mojavelinux commented 2 years ago

This has since been fixed. See I think the example text was not properly escaped, which is why it was showing up empty.