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where can I find an example of a custom footer? #880

Closed acortcab closed 2 years ago

acortcab commented 4 years ago

My goal is to customize the footer created by asciidoc because I want to add copyright and other stuff I read the user manual and what I understood: 1- I have to add this attribute :docinfo2: in my adoc file 2- then create a file called "docinfo-footer.html" with my content

I guessed I missed something because it is not working, could anyone tell me where I can find an example with the complete code of the adoc file???


mojavelinux commented 2 years ago

The following page explains how to use the docinfo feature, with an example for the head: The footer follows the same pattern, but requires the docinfo file to end with -footer plus the file extension of the output format (e.g., -footer.html). See

If you aren't able to achieve the result you want, please ask for help in the community chat at Once you get it working, please consider submitting the example to the docs and we'll either integrate it or a variation of it.