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"Differences" page doesn't mention backticks #917

Closed ecree-solarflare closed 2 years ago

ecree-solarflare commented 4 years ago

docs/asciidoc-asciidoctor-diffs.adoc does not appear to mention the changes to +plusses+ and `backticks` introduced in AsciiDoctor 1.5.0 (per docs/migration.adoc), which are arguably one of the most significant differences between AsciiDoc and AsciiDoctor.

mojavelinux commented 4 years ago

Very excellent point. That section didn't get reviewed / updated after the 1.5 and 2.0 releases. Feel free to submit a PR to add that information or link to the migration page, which contains all those details.

mojavelinux commented 2 years ago

I now consider this topic to be covered adequately on the following page: