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Broken link to Ruby API documentation #923

Closed owenh000 closed 4 years ago

owenh000 commented 4 years ago

In the Using the Ruby API section of the User Manual, there is a broken link to the "public APIs in Asciidoctor". The source is at docs/_includes/require-asciidoctor.adoc.

I suppose this should link to instead, as in the References and Developer Resources section.

owenh000 commented 4 years ago

See pull request #924.

owenh000 commented 4 years ago

See also related issue #925

mojavelinux commented 4 years ago

I merged the PR so I think this is now resolved. Please confirm.

In the future, can you add "resolves xyz" to the start of the PR subject?

owenh000 commented 4 years ago

Please confirm.

It appears to be fixed now, thanks.

add "resolves xyz" to the start of the PR subject

I'll try to remember to do that.