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Add VS Code to list of editors with live preview #959

Closed briandominick closed 4 years ago

briandominick commented 4 years ago

I was rubbing my eyes when reviewing the list of "text editors with live preview", as I had the VS Code AsciiDoc Support project in an adjacent tab at the time, yet it is nowhere to be found on the list. I prefer Atom personally, bust most of my clients use VSC and love it.

mojavelinux commented 4 years ago

There's already an open PR that proposes to add this listing, which has been sitting there for quite awhile.

I'll merge that one, then incorporate your updates.

mojavelinux commented 4 years ago

Changes incorporated with revisions here: 3768001cbe787f6245320915e6cb4c3ea4eb5d53

If you feel that the section needs additional updates, feel free to submit revisions. Thanks!

briandominick commented 4 years ago

Perfectly handled. I'll know to look at open PRs next time.

mojavelinux commented 4 years ago

Thanks for giving this the nudge. I agree it was a huge oversight to not include this very popular extension on that page.