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Zulip migration #980

Closed abelsromero closed 3 years ago

abelsromero commented 3 years ago

To improve communication, organization and community engagement we want to migrate to Zulip as chat/online communication tool over gitter. The main advantatges that Zulip offers are:

mojavelinux commented 3 years ago

The migration is complete! We'll address any remaining tasks either in Zulip or in a separate issue.

mojavelinux commented 3 years ago

Thanks @abelsromero for leading this migration, @brunchboy and @Mogztter for evaluating the tool and sharing your experiences, and @djencks for your input. We did it!

ggrossetie commented 3 years ago

Community at work, thanks @abelsromero @brunchboy @djencks and @mojavelinux :hugs:

mojavelinux commented 3 years ago


I'm really loving Zulip so far, and the engagement has been great! I can't point to any one thing that makes Zulip better than what we had. It just FEELS like we're more connected. And that, to me, is what this is all about.