asciidoctor /

:globe_with_meridians: Asciidoctor project site. Composed in AsciiDoc. Baked with Awestruct.
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Redirect to #993

Closed ggrossetie closed 3 years ago

ggrossetie commented 3 years ago

As the title says :wink:

mojavelinux commented 3 years ago

I was actually holding off on doing this since I was thinking we should reserve this space as a project page. But as I thought about it more, I realized a) we need to get rid of the old page since it is creating confusion and b) if we do make project pages, they would use the path /projects rather than /docs. So basically, :+1:.

If you'd like to try to mess with the make-shift URL router that we have, you should be able to preserve deep links. See The empty key is followed if no exact match can be made.

mojavelinux commented 3 years ago

@Mogztter Do you plan to submit a PR to add this to the URL router?

Keep in mind that you do have to leave an empty page behind so that the URL router has something to attach to.

ggrossetie commented 3 years ago

@mojavelinux Yes, it just slipped off my list, sorry :sweat_smile:

mojavelinux commented 3 years ago

No worries. I just happened to be grooming the repo looking for docs issues to fix ;)