asciidoctor / docker-asciidoctor

:ship: A Docker image for using the Asciidoctor toolchain to process AsciiDoc content
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Tag 1.68.0 missing from Docker Hub #439

Closed tbroyer closed 3 months ago

tbroyer commented 3 months ago

As of now, tag latest has been updated, but no 1.68.0 tag has been created:

Screenshot of the Docker Hub page

dduportal commented 3 months ago

Thanks for reporting!

It looks like I broke the delivery system with latest is deployed as expected from the main branch but tags are not picked up (my if expression is incomplete).

Working on a patch right now, I'll republish the 1.68.0 tag

dduportal commented 3 months ago

Just pushed an hotfix: Let's see the result!

dduportal commented 3 months ago

Finally images are deployed!

Sorry for the inconvenience I caused with #434.

I had to update the (quite old) conditional syntax and fix my mistakes with the following hotfixes (not mentioned in release not as they do not cover the content of the image itself. Anyone who want them please shoot and I'll add them no problem: it is just it should not bother end users from my PoV but no strong opinion):

Capture d’écran 2024-03-12 à 20 00 01
dduportal commented 3 months ago

And release is republished:

Many thanks @tbroyer for reporting! I'm closing, feel free to reopen if needed