asciinema / asciinema-server

Platform for hosting and sharing terminal session recordings
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installation is broken after recent new updates #406

Closed haiwu closed 1 year ago

haiwu commented 1 year ago

@sickill : It seems you made quite a few updates recently, and the installation is now broken. Have you tested your recent updates with the installation process? It was working a few days ago. This happens when there's no release number, and the installation process is only via git clone I assume.

Do you know what we need to do to get the installation to work again?

It kept failing with the following message for asciinema_phoenix container (shown below). All other containers are ok, no errors for those.


Running db migrations... 00:05:57.398 [error] Could not create schema migrations table. This error usually happens due to the following:

To fix the first issue, run "mix ecto.create".

To address the second, you can run "mix ecto.drop" followed by "mix ecto.create". Alternatively you may configure Ecto to use another table for managing migrations:

config :asciinema, Asciinema.Repo,
  migration_source: "some_other_table_for_schema_migrations"

The full error report is shown below.

** (DBConnection.ConnectionError) connection not available and request was dropped from queue after 2986ms. This means requests are coming in and your connection pool cannot serve them fast enough. You can address this by:

  1. By tracking down slow queries and making sure they are running fast enough
  2. Increasing the pool_size (albeit it increases resource consumption)
  3. Allow requests to wait longer by increasing :queue_target and :queue_interval

See DBConnection.start_link/2 for more information

(ecto_sql 3.4.5) lib/ecto/adapters/sql.ex:593: Ecto.Adapters.SQL.raise_sql_call_error/1
(elixir 1.12.1) lib/enum.ex:1553: Enum."-map/2-lists^map/1-0-"/2
(ecto_sql 3.4.5) lib/ecto/adapters/sql.ex:686: Ecto.Adapters.SQL.execute_ddl/4
(ecto_sql 3.4.5) lib/ecto/migrator.ex:641: Ecto.Migrator.verbose_schema_migration/3
(ecto_sql 3.4.5) lib/ecto/migrator.ex:484: Ecto.Migrator.lock_for_migrations/4
(ecto_sql 3.4.5) lib/ecto/migrator.ex:406:
(ecto_sql 3.4.5) lib/ecto/migrator.ex:149: Ecto.Migrator.with_repo/3
(asciinema 0.0.1) lib/asciinema/release_tasks.ex:8: anonymous fn/1 in Asciinema.ReleaseTasks.migrate/0
ku1ik commented 1 year ago

It seems Postgres container was missing the following env var on master:

ku1ik commented 1 year ago

This is fixed now. Try these:

haiwu commented 1 year ago

Thanks, but I already manually ensured that line in master branch for docker-compose.yml. It still failed the same way. A few days ago when I tried, after I manually ensuring this line in master branch, it worked, but now it is no longer working..

haiwu commented 1 year ago

@sickill : Any suggestions? I just tried all the steps from installation guide, and it is still failing in the exact same way.

haiwu commented 1 year ago

It seems this is due to ipv6 disabled on the host. Before I could just comment out the ipv6 line in file docker/nginx/asciinema.conf, and it would just work after that, this no longer works after recent updates.

ku1ik commented 1 year ago

I'll try to reproduce this with ipv6 disabled when I get a chance.

ditatompel commented 1 year ago

Hi @haiwu, I'm facing the same problem with you when upgrading my self hosted asciinema server. Check your postgres container logs.

DETAIL: The data directory was initialized by PostgreSQL version xx, which is not compatible with this version xx

In my case, the root problem likely caused by incompatible files in the volume of the old PostgreSQL 12 container with the latest upstream version (v14). This make my postgres and phoenix container keep restarting.

I'm able to fix the issue, TLDR:

  1. Doing a temporary downgrade so I can back up the previous database.
  2. Uninstall and reinstall the appropriate version of PostgreSQL from the master repository.
  3. Restore the database that I have backed up

If you follow the official upgrade process, stop until you pull and merge with your branch. Then edit your docker-compose.yml and use the old PostgreSQL version that working (in my case: v12).

version: '2'

     image: postgres:12-alpine
     container_name: asciinema_postgres
     ### blah blah blah
  1. Start only the old version of PostgreSQL container (docker-compose up -d postgres) and do database backup:
    docker exec -it <DOCKER_CONTAINER_ID> pg_dump postgres -U postgres > asciinemadump.sql
  2. Stop the old version of PostgreSQL container, edit docker-compose.yml and revert the config according to the upstream version (PostgreSQL 14).
  3. Delete the old ./volumes/postgres (or even better: backup by moving it to another directory)
  4. Start the new version of PostgreSQL container (docker-compose up -d postgres), copy your dumped sql db to your new created ./volumes/postgres directory and restore the backup:
    docker exec -it <DOCKER_CONTAINER_ID> psql -d postgres -U postgres -f /var/lib/postgresql/data/asciinemadump.sql
  5. Run all the asciinema-server containers: docker-compose up -d

The phoenix container should able to communicate with postgres container now. Wait until the database migration process by phoenix container is complete and try to access your instance again.

Dunno if this is the "right" way to fix it, and correct me if i'm wrong @sickill.

ku1ik commented 1 year ago

@ditatompel this is great, thanks for investigating. Your instructions will for sure help others.

@haiwu have you checked postgres container logs? Any errors there?

ku1ik commented 1 year ago

If you still believe it's because of IPv6 then please pull latest and add ECTO_IPV6=1 env var for phoenix container. This should help.