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Packaging of asciinema cli #143

Closed ku1ik closed 12 months ago

ku1ik commented 9 years ago

Opening this issue to discuss the best way for package maintainers to be notified about new asciinema releases.

We could create a mailing list for this, or use like @jakubjedelsky suggested ( Alternatively I could be reopening this issue and pinging you here in the comments whenever new release is out. Any other ideas and/or preferences?

/cc @jakubjedelsky @zanchey @Dr-Terrible @larryv

UPDATE: So I just keep this issue open and comment when there's new release. Package maintainers can subscribe to this issue to get notified.

ku1ik commented 9 years ago

/cc @swills

zanchey commented 9 years ago

The atom feed is enough for me. SourceForge used to be the place for mailing lists, but I think they've gone a bit evil now. We have a mailman server if you want to use that.

Dr-Terrible commented 9 years ago

The atom feed is enough for me too. If by any chance I miss a release and users are complaining, feel free to poke me via GitHub's issues through my Gentoo overlay.

swills commented 9 years ago

Personally, I'd prefer an email of some kind, either mailing list or github issue email, either is fine. Thanks!

larryv commented 9 years ago

I'd also prefer email notifications (to minimize update lag), but I'd be fine with the atom feed.

ku1ik commented 8 years ago

I have just released 1.2.0 /cc @larryv @swills @Dr-Terrible @zanchey @jakubjedelsky

Dr-Terrible commented 8 years ago

@sickill Done! Thank you for the reminder.

v1.2.0 tested with both Go1.4.x and Go1.5.x (Gentoo/Linux x86-64), and everything works as expected, with all the unit tests passing. Ebuild just pushed in my overlay: Dr-Terrible/go-overlay@485968240b2f646c675b0630f452d28e99ca41cc.

ku1ik commented 8 years ago

@Dr-Terrible wow, that was quick! Thanks!

ku1ik commented 8 years ago

@youtux thanks for updating Homebrew package!

youtux commented 8 years ago

@sickill you are welcome. Also, I use to get updates via email every time a starred github project gets a new tag.

zanchey commented 8 years ago

I've updated the Ubuntu packages; sorry for the delay.

ku1ik commented 8 years ago

@zanchey thanks!

larryv commented 8 years ago

updated in MacPorts, only 3 months late 😓

ku1ik commented 8 years ago

@larryv no prob, thanks!

ku1ik commented 8 years ago

We have a new release! This new 1.3 version is back on Python (read more about it here: Sorry if this adds you more work (switching build toolchain from Go to Python)! But I believe in the long run the packaging will be simpler, especially that as of this version we have zero external dependencies 💥

Dr-Terrible commented 8 years ago

Sorry @sickill, I can't add a python package to my go overlay, so I'm forced to remove asciinema. Or at least, I'll keep and maintain the previous Golang implementations, but not the new ones in python (there are too many dependencies to wrangle).

ku1ik commented 8 years ago

@Dr-Terrible ok. Maybe original portage package maintainers will be able to update the 0.9.8 ebuild to 1.3.0. Thanks!

larryv commented 8 years ago

Updated in MacPorts. As you can see from that diff, switching back to Python made things rather easier for me. Thank you! 😄

Dr-Terrible commented 8 years ago

@sickill I think so, but at the moment there is no maintainer for the ebuild, so it will take some time before asciinema will be properly added to the Portage tree. To speed up a little the process, I think I'm going to submit a proper ebuild (at least for v1.3.0) in the next days, if I'm not too busy doing other stuff.

jakubjedelsky commented 8 years ago

Love the change to python3, it's much more better to package it for me. Builds for Fedora 24,23 and EPEL 7 are prepared and will go to testing repos soon.

zanchey commented 8 years ago

Done in the Ubuntu PPA. Likewise, the packaging is significantly smaller now.

gfa commented 8 years ago

i'm the maintainer for debian, I've recently subscribed to the blog, i'll subscribe to the releases atom feed. I prefer email but i run a rss-> email gateway so is the same for me

working on the 1.3.0 package, just a week latter i finished to work on go package, please don't switch language implementations again

ku1ik commented 8 years ago

@gfa thanks for your work Gustavo. No worries, we are staying with Python for good.

swills commented 8 years ago

Finally updated to 1.3.0 in FreeBSD ports. Thanks for the heads up.

ku1ik commented 8 years ago

@swills awesome, thanks!

ku1ik commented 7 years ago

Hey there good people! We have a new release, 1.4.0 -

jakubjedelsky commented 7 years ago

@sickill cool, update is going to Fedora and EPEL 7 testing repos right now. It should be in stable in 7 (fedora) or 14 (epel) days.

zanchey commented 7 years ago

Uploaded, new builds pending - sorry for the wait!

ku1ik commented 6 years ago

Hey! We have a new release, v2.0.0.


jakubjedelsky commented 6 years ago

Congrats to v2, @sickill ! 🎉

I'm a little bit out of focusing to the asciinema development right now. Is the 2.0.0 version backward compatible with older releases (1.4.0)? I would like to push the update to current stables, but not sure if it won't break something.


ku1ik commented 6 years ago

@jakubjedelsky thanks! It uses new file format, so recordings created with this new version can't be played in the terminal with 1.4.0 and older. All recordings (old and new) can be played with 2.0 though, and also web player and asciinema-server have been updated a while ago to support asciicast v2 format.

jakubjedelsky commented 6 years ago

@sickill nice! Many thanks for these details 👍

swills commented 6 years ago

2.0.0 committed to FreeBSD ports.

ku1ik commented 6 years ago

@swills fantastic, thanks!

zanchey commented 6 years ago

I've added Ubuntu packages for the currently released versions.

2.0.0 was already in Bionic, which has a different tarball than the one I downloaded from Github. The upstream packaging can't be backported (requires new debhelper), so I've used the existing packaging with the upstream tarball.

There's been a bit of a delay due to other pressures - sorry. If anyone would like to take over maintaining the Ubuntu PPA, I'm happy to hand it over!

gfa commented 6 years ago

@zanchey asciinema is up to date in debian, any reason why is not being imported in ubuntu?

zanchey commented 6 years ago

It's up to date in testing and imported into bionic, which as you know are both unreleased, and so the PPA is for people wishing to use a new version of asciinema on an older version of Ubuntu (or Debian).

ku1ik commented 6 years ago

Thank you @zanchey for you work on this!

ku1ik commented 6 years ago

I've just released 2.0.1 ✨

There was a bug in 2.0 in config file handling code, which caused creation of the file at ~/.asciinema/config instead of ~/.config/asciinema/config. This releases fixes that.

@zanchey do you think there's a chance for 2.0.1 to be included in final Bionic release? I see final beta freeze is tomorrow 😐

zanchey commented 6 years ago

My packages don't get pulled into the official releases, but I'll try and get a 2.0.1 version uploaded today.

zanchey commented 6 years ago


ku1ik commented 6 years ago

@zanchey great, thx!

just4t commented 6 years ago

Started today with asciinema ... First of all, thanks a lot for the tool and service. Installed as snap app. in Linux Mint 19c desktop and over an Ubuntu 18.04 LTS powered cloud server and looks it works perfectly, but ...

ku1ik commented 6 years ago

@flexiondotorg any chance you could update snap to 2.0.1?

ku1ik commented 6 years ago

I have temporarily removed snap installation option. It doesn't seem anyone is maintaining it anymore.

ku1ik commented 5 years ago

It seems Ubuntu 18.04 has asciinema 2.0.0 ( and 19.04 has 2.0.2 ( Any chance you can update your ppa @zanchey to 2.0.2 for those on older Ubuntu and Debian versions?

zanchey commented 5 years ago

Done! I ended up reusing my packaging metadata, rather than copying from 19.04, as the debhelper requirements are too high for the backport to work easily.

ku1ik commented 5 years ago

@zanchey great! Thank you 🏆

om26er commented 4 years ago

@sickill since I have been the maintainer of the snap package, I think it would make sense to bring back the snap installation instructions, probably elevated as "recommended" for Linux based systems. I had created an issue before I came here.

mario23174 commented 4 years ago