ascoders / react-native-image-zoom

react native image pan and zoom
MIT License
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zoom the image to take the entire view on double tap #113

Open christopher-18 opened 4 years ago

christopher-18 commented 4 years ago

On double tapping the image, i want to show the enlarged image taking the entire screen. And if I once again double tap, it should resize the image. How can i get this double tap event. Please suggest.

ditorodev commented 4 years ago

with latest master now you can pass an onDoubleClick prop, this prop when called receives an object that looks like this:

export interface IOnDoubleClick {
  pageX: number,
  pageY: number

So you can have something like:

import { Image, Dimensions } from 'react-native';
import ImageZoom from 'react-native-image-pan-zoom';

export default class App extends React.Component {
     imageZoom = null; // We need the ImageZoom ref in order to use the centerOn method that comes with its reference
     state = {zoomed: false}; // We manage an state to know whether to zoomIn or zoomOut
    doubleClickHandler = ({pageX, pageY}) => {
       if(!!this.imageZoom) { // Check whether the ref is already assigned
                this.imageZoom.centerOn({x: pageX, y: pageY, scale: this.state.zoomed ? 1 : 5}); // ZoomIn/Out on the position user DoubleClicked
                this.setState((state) => {...state, zoomed: !state.zoomed}) // update the state

    render: function() {
        return (
            <ImageZoom cropWidth={Dimensions.get('window').width}
                       ref={(ref) => this.imageZoom = ref} // Assign the ref
                       onDoubleClick={this.doubleClickHandler} // Assign callback
                <Image style={{width:200, height:200}}

This should make it

PS: I'm not sure whether this code compiles or not, however, I hope it gives you a brief idea on how it can be made