ascot4fusion / ascot5

ASCOT5 is a high-performance orbit-following code for fusion plasma physics and engineering
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COCOS conversion not working, fix implemented #37

Closed henrikjaerleblad closed 1 year ago

henrikjaerleblad commented 1 year ago

The conversion between different COCOS is not working in the current ascot5 version. This is important when loading eqdsk files with a COCOS that ASCOT cannot use, i.e. any COCOS other than 3.

I implemented a fix by adding a fix in a5py/templates/ (line 228) Screenshot from 2023-11-23 08-49-47 and a new COCOS class and functions in a5py/physlib/ Screenshot from 2023-11-23 08-49-05 image

def fromCocosNtoCocosM(eqd, cocos_m, phiclockwise=None, weberperrad=None):
    """Transform equilibrium from cocos_n (determined from eqd, see below) to cocos_m.

    eqd : dict
        Dictionary from reading the EQDSK file.
    cocosm : int
        Target COCOS.

    eqdout : dict
        Equilibrium data converted to cocos_m.

    cocos_n = assign(eqd["qpsi"][0], eqd["cpasma"], eqd["bcentr"], eqd["simagx"], eqd["sibdry"], phiclockwise, weberperrad)

    transform_dict = transform_cocos(cocos(cocos_n), cocos(cocos_m))

    # Define output
    eqdout = copy.deepcopy(eqd)
    # eqdout["nx"] = eqd["nx"] # For clarity
    # eqdout["ny"] = eqd["ny"] # -||-
    eqdout["rdim"] = eqd["rdim"]*transform_dict["R"]
    eqdout["zdim"] = eqd["zdim"]*transform_dict["Z"]
    eqdout["rcentr"] = eqd["rcentr"]*transform_dict["R"]
    eqdout["rleft"] = eqd["rleft"]*transform_dict["R"]
    eqdout["zmid"] = eqd["zmid"]*transform_dict["Z"]
    eqdout["rmagx"] = eqd["rmagx"]*transform_dict["R"]
    eqdout["zmagx"] = eqd["zmagx"]*transform_dict["Z"]
    eqdout["simagx"] = eqd["simagx"]*transform_dict["PSI"]
    eqdout["sibdry"] = eqd["sibdry"]*transform_dict["PSI"]
    eqdout["bcentr"] = eqd["bcentr"]*transform_dict["B"]
    eqdout["cpasma"] = eqd["cpasma"]*transform_dict["I"]
    eqdout["fpol"] = eqd["fpol"]*transform_dict["F"]
    eqdout["pres"] = eqd["pres"]*transform_dict["PRES"]
    eqdout["ffprime"] = eqd["ffprime"]*transform_dict["FFPRIME"]
    eqdout["pprime"] = eqd["pprime"]*transform_dict["PPRIME"]
    eqdout["psi"] = eqd["psi"]*transform_dict["PSI"]
    eqdout["qpsi"] = eqd["qpsi"]*transform_dict["Q"]
    #eqdout["psiaxis"] = psiaxis # Wrong key? psiaxis is called simagx according to freeqdsk docs
    #eqdout["psiedge"] = psiedge # Wrong key? psiedge is called sibdry according to freeqdsk docs
    #eqdout["nbdry"] = eqd["nbdry"]
    #eqdout["nlim"] = eqd["nlim"]
    eqdout["rbdry"] = eqd["rbdry"]*transform_dict["R"]
    eqdout["zbdry"] = eqd["zbdry"]*transform_dict["Z"]
    eqdout["rlim"] = eqd["rlim"]*transform_dict["R"]
    eqdout["zlim"] = eqd["zlim"]*transform_dict["Z"]

    return eqdout
def transform_cocos(cc_in: COCOS, cc_out: COCOS, sigma_Ip = None, sigma_B0 = None, ld = (1, 1), lB = (1, 1), exp_mu0 = (0, 0)):
    Returns a dictionary of the multiplicative factors to transform COCOS from `cc_in` to `cc_out`

    sigma_Ip : Union[Tuple[int, int], None]
        A tuple of the (Input, Output) current sign or nothing
    sigma_B0 : Union{NTuple{2,Int},Nothing}` - A tuple of the (Input, Output) toroidal field sign or nothing
    ld : NTuple{2,<:Real}
        A tuple of the (Input, Output) length scale factor. Default = (1,1)
    lB : NTuple{2,<:Real}
        A tuple of the (Input, Output) magnetic field scale factor. Default = (1,1)
    exp_mu0 : NTuple{2,<:Real}
        A tuple of the (Input, Output) mu0 exponent (0, 1). Default = (0,0)

    transforms : dict
        Transform multiplicative factors to be able to convert from `cc_in to `cc_out`

    ld_eff = ld[1] / ld[0]
    lB_eff = lB[1] / lB[0]
    exp_mu0_eff = exp_mu0[1] - exp_mu0[0]

    sigma_RpZ_eff = cc_in.sigma_RpZ * cc_out.sigma_RpZ

    if sigma_Ip is None:
        sigma_Ip_eff = cc_in.sigma_RpZ * cc_out.sigma_RpZ
        sigma_Ip_eff = sigma_Ip[0] * sigma_Ip[1]

    if sigma_B0 is None:
        sigma_B0_eff = cc_in.sigma_RpZ * cc_out.sigma_RpZ
        sigma_B0_eff = sigma_B0[0] * sigma_B0[1]

    sigma_Bp_eff = cc_in.sigma_Bp * cc_out.sigma_Bp
    exp_Bp_eff = cc_out.exp_Bp - cc_in.exp_Bp
    sigma_rhotp_eff = cc_in.sigma_rhotp * cc_out.sigma_rhotp

    mu0 = 4 * 3.14159265358979323846 * 1e-7  # pi is used directly for more precision

    transforms = {}
    transforms["R"] = ld_eff
    transforms["Z"] = ld_eff
    transforms["PRES"] = (lB_eff ** 2) / (mu0 ** exp_mu0_eff)
    transforms["PSI"] = lB_eff * (ld_eff ** 2) * sigma_Ip_eff * sigma_Bp_eff * ((2 * 3.14159265358979323846) ** exp_Bp_eff) * (ld_eff ** 2) * lB_eff
    transforms["TOR"] = lB_eff * (ld_eff ** 2) * sigma_B0_eff
    transforms["PPRIME"] = (lB_eff / ((ld_eff ** 2) * (mu0 ** exp_mu0_eff))) * sigma_Ip_eff * sigma_Bp_eff / ((2 * 3.14159265358979323846) ** exp_Bp_eff)
    transforms["FFPRIME"] = lB_eff * sigma_Ip_eff * sigma_Bp_eff / ((2 * 3.14159265358979323846) ** exp_Bp_eff)
    transforms["B"] = lB_eff * sigma_B0_eff
    transforms["F"] = sigma_B0_eff * ld_eff * lB_eff
    transforms["I"] = sigma_Ip_eff * ld_eff * lB_eff / (mu0 ** exp_mu0_eff)
    transforms["J"] = sigma_Ip_eff * lB_eff / ((mu0 ** exp_mu0_eff) * ld_eff)
    transforms["Q"] = sigma_Ip_eff * sigma_B0_eff * sigma_rhotp_eff

    return transforms

The fix is based on the equations that describe how to transform between any COCOS in O. Sauter et al, CPC, 2013. I will create a new branch locally and submit a pull request to fix this issue, in line with the developer docs found in

Please let me know if you have any comments!

henrikjaerleblad commented 1 year ago

I should add that the current implementation of the fix can convert from any COCOS to odd COCOS. I am currently investigating why. Nevertheless, ASCOT needs COCOS 3, so the current fix can still be used to convert any eqdsk file with any COCOS to the COCOS required by ASCOT

henrikjaerleblad commented 1 year ago

I found it! It was just a matter of putting the phiclockwise keyword argument in to True instead of False.

In short, the current fix thus works to convert from any COCOS to any COCOS :)

(I verified via the function)