Closed tmw-issue-import closed 9 years ago
You can use the BigWigs/DBM conditions with an On Condition Set Passing trigger to do this.
Need help, I tried to use BigWigs "Boss Engaged". This works well only on the first pull. On the next pull simply does not trigger. To restart "condition/trigger" is necessary to open and close the configuration window.
Adding more to this, DBM/BigWigs doesn't have encounters with normal mobs or special mobs for dungeons and other things.
Would be cool if we had a condition that let us typed a mob's name so that an icon only shows when engaged/in combat with this mob. At the moment I'm using a substitute of combat tracking and having the icon react to anything a particular add does which causes sever 0.5 fps lag in a 40 man raid if I forget to turn it off. xD
BigWigs doesn't correctly detect the end of an encounter if you feign. There's nothing that I can do about that.
Checking for engagement with arbitrary mobs won't happen.
Could you add the tracking for ENCOUNTER_START and ENCOUNTER_END events. it would help to reset the "counters" in raids