ascott18 / TellMeWhen

TellMeWhen is a combat tracking AddOn for World of Warcraft Retail and Classic
GNU General Public License v3.0
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[CF 1135] Dual-Wield / Two-Hand check (Solved) #1156

Closed tmw-issue-import closed 9 years ago

tmw-issue-import commented 9 years ago

I would like for there to be a condition to check if I'm dual-wielding or using a two-hander specifically for the Frost Deathknight passive spell "Might of the Frozen Wastes (81333)"

I want to make Obliterate show when Killing Machine procs if I'm using a two-hander.  I want Frost Strike to show when Killing Machine procs if I'm dual-wielding.

This is my current Frost Death Knight build that I'm working on to get ready for 6.2

^1^T^SPoint^T ^Sy^F-8549224257478860 ^f-49^Sx ^F7466197759033335^f-45 ^t^SScale^N1.8 ^SRows^N3 ^SIcons^T ^N1^T ^SType^Sbuff ^SName^SFrost~`Presence ^SSettingsPerView^T ^Sicon^T ^STexts^T ^N1^S ^t^t^t^SShowWhen^N1 ^SEnabled^B ^t^N2^T ^SStackMinEnabled^B ^SType^Scooldown ^SConditions^T ^N1^T ^SType^SCOMBAT ^t^N2^T ^SType^SRUNES2 ^SOperator^S<= ^SLevel^N5 ^SBitFlags^N63 ^t^Sn^N2 ^t^SStackMin^N5 ^SName^SBlood~`Tap ^SEnabled^B ^t^N3^T ^SShowTimer^B ^SBuffOrDebuff^SHARMFUL ^SType^Scooldown ^SName^SUnholy~`Blight;~`Outbreak;~`Plague~`Strike ^SShowTimerTextnoOCC^B ^SConditions^T ^N1^T ^SType^SCOMBAT ^SName^SBlood~`Plague ^t^N2^T ^SType^STALENTLEARNED ^SName^SNecrotic~`Plague ^SPrtsBefore^N2 ^t^N3^T ^SType^SDEBUFFDUR ^SChecked^B ^SPrtsAfter^N1 ^SUnit^Starget ^SName^SNecrotic~`Plague ^t^N4^T ^SType^STALENTLEARNED ^SAndOr^SOR ^SName^SNecrotic~`Plague ^SPrtsBefore^N1 ^SLevel^N1 ^t^N5^T ^SType^SDEBUFFDUR ^SChecked^B ^SUnit^Starget ^SName^SFrost~`Fever ^SPrtsBefore^N1 ^t^N6^T ^SType^SDEBUFFDUR ^SChecked^B ^SPrtsAfter^N3 ^SUnit^Starget ^SAndOr^SOR ^SName^SBlood~`Plague ^t^Sn^N6 ^t^SUnit^Starget ^SEnabled^B ^t^N4^T ^SType^Sbuff ^SName^SDark~`Succor ^SCustomTex^S49998 ^SEnabled^B ^t^N5^T ^SType^Scooldown ^SConditions^T ^N1^T ^SType^SCOMBAT ^t^Sn^N1 ^t^SName^SPillar~`of~`Frost;~`Berserking;~`Blood~`Fury ^SSettingsPerView^T ^Sicon^T ^STexts^T ^N1^S ^t^t^t^SEnabled^B ^t^N6^T ^SShowTimer^B ^SType^Scooldown ^SConditions^T ^N1^T ^SType^SCOMBAT ^t^Sn^N1 ^t^SName^SHowling~`Blast ^SShowTimerTextnoOCC^B ^SEvents^T ^N1^T ^SType^SAnimations ^SAnimation^SACTVTNGLOW ^SEvent^SWCSP ^SOnConditionConditions^T ^N1^T ^SType^SBUFFDUR ^SChecked^B ^SOperator^S> ^SName^SFreezing~`Fog ^t^Sn^N1 ^t^t^Sn^N1 ^t^SSettingsPerView^T ^Sicon^T ^STexts^T ^N1^S ^t^t^t^SShowWhen^N3 ^SEnabled^B ^t^N7^T ^SType^Sbuff ^SName^SKilling~`Machine ^SEvents^T ^N1^T ^SType^SAnimations ^SAnimation^SACTVTNGLOW ^SEvent^SOnStart ^SInfinite^B ^t^Sn^N1 ^t^SEnabled^B ^t^N8^T ^SShowTimer^B ^SType^Scooldown ^SName^SObliterate ^SShowTimerTextnoOCC^B ^SShowWhen^N3 ^SEnabled^B ^SConditions^T ^N1^T ^SType^SCOMBAT ^t^Sn^N1 ^t^t^N9^T ^SShowTimer^B ^SType^Scooldown ^SName^SFrost~`Strike ^SShowTimerTextnoOCC^B ^SEnabled^B ^SSettingsPerView^T ^Sicon^T ^STexts^T ^N1^S ^t^t^t^SShowWhen^N3 ^SConditions^T ^N1^T ^SType^SCOMBAT ^t^N2^T ^SType^SRUNIC_POWER ^SOperator^S>= ^SLevel^N60 ^t^N3^T ^SType^SBUFFNUMBER ^SChecked^B ^SOperator^S>= ^SLevel^N1 ^SName^SKilling~`Machine ^SAndOr^SOR ^t^N4^T ^SType^SRUNIC_POWER ^SOperator^S>= ^SLevel^N20 ^t^Sn^N4 ^t^t^N10^T ^SType^Scooldown ^SConditions^T ^N1^T ^SType^SCOMBAT ^t^N2^T ^SType^SHEALTH ^SOperator^S<= ^SUnit^Starget ^SLevel^N35 ^t^Sn^N2 ^t^SName^SSoul~`Reaper ^SEnabled^B ^t^N11^T ^SType^Scooldown ^SConditions^T ^N1^T ^SType^SCOMBAT ^t^Sn^N1 ^t^SName^SDeath~`and~`Decay ^SEnabled^B ^t^N12^T ^SType^Sbuff ^SName^SBerserking;~`Blood~`Fury;~`Pillar~`of~`Frost ^SSettingsPerView^T ^Sicon^T ^STexts^T ^N1^S ^t^t^t^SEnabled^B ^t^N13^T ^SType^Sbuffcheck ^SName^SIncreasedAP ^SUnitConditions^T ^N1^T ^SType^SLIBRANGECHECK ^SOperator^S<= ^SLevel^N100 ^t^Sn^N1 ^t^SSettingsPerView^T ^Sicon^T ^STexts^T ^N1^S ^t^t^t^SUnit^Sgroup~`1-40 ^SEnabled^B ^t^N14^T ^SType^Scooldown ^SConditions^T ^N1^T ^SType^SCOMBAT ^t^Sn^N1 ^t^SName^SPlague~`Leech ^SSettingsPerView^T ^Sicon^T ^STexts^T ^N1^S ^t^t^t^SEnabled^B ^t^N15^T ^SType^Scooldown ^SConditions^T ^N1^T ^SType^SCOMBAT ^t^Sn^N1 ^t^SName^SEmpower~`Rune~`Weapon ^SEnabled^B ^t^t^SColumns^N5 ^SGUID^STMW:group:1JefWEYDP3pZ ^STree1^b ^SName^SFrost ^STree3^b ^t^N73101^S~`~| ^Sgroup^N5 ^^

What version of TellMeWhen are you using?

Posted by CurseForge user Distractor_Beam | Imported from CurseForge issue #1135 | Raw

tmw-issue-import commented 9 years ago

Use an Item Is Equipped condition that checks slot 17 (your offhand)

> Posted by CurseForge user Cybeloras
tmw-issue-import commented 9 years ago

@Cybeloras: Go

I feel foolish because that worked too perfectly.

Thanks a whole heap.

Consider this closed.

Edited Jun 19, 2015

> Posted by CurseForge user Distractor_Beam