ascott18 / TellMeWhen

TellMeWhen is a combat tracking AddOn for World of Warcraft Retail and Classic
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Support new UNIT_AURA stuff #2003

Closed ascott18 closed 1 year ago

ascott18 commented 1 year ago

UNIT_AURA has been reworked again. Now with mandatory memory allocations on every event for every frame!

Probably need to develop a central UNIT_AURA handler to avoid allocations for every single icon. Also obviously need to support the new payload.

arieh commented 1 year ago

I've done some initial work here:

Probably missing a lot of stuff since this is basically a very early proof of concept, but the idea is to maintain a store of known auras. I think it will probably provide a good performance boost for anything that does a lot of aura checks.

The main thing I'm not sure of is what are the cases where a unit will have auras added without a UNIT_AURA event (eg - what is the range of UNIT_AURA, does it differ for group members vs npcs etc).

Tried to solve this by doing updates on ROSTER_CHANGE and nameplate added/removed while also doing cache clears on intervals.

ascott18 commented 1 year ago

I already finished everything, but its in a branch because i've been playing with it for a while because its been pretty buggy (UNIT_AURA payload has really annoying bugs, like firing updates of auras that were removed, or firing removals of auras that never existed)

ascott18 commented 1 year ago

arieh commented 1 year ago

that's super nice!

Obviously much cleaner than mine, but at least I was close with my idea. Seems like TMW_UNITSET_UPDATED takes care of all the edge cases I was worried about.

Any idea on when this is planned to land?

ascott18 commented 1 year ago

I'll try to get to it (and your PR) this weekend. Been trying to knock down the flood of recent bug reports tonight.

arieh commented 1 year ago

Looking a bit into the code - do you think it will be possible to have a simpler utility on top of it that is more closely related to the old GetAura? Would like doing something like:

function tmwGetUnitAura(unit, spell, onlyMine)
    local name, rank, icon, castTime, minRange, maxRange, spellID = GetSpellInfo(spell)

    local config = GetAuras(unit)
    local instances = config.instances
    local lookup = config.lookup

    local spellLookup =  lookup[spell] or lookup[spellID]

    for instanceId,_ in spellLookup do 
        if (instances[instanceId]) then
            return instances[instanceId]
    return nil

However from reading the code, unit is something tricky in this case since it's unclear to me how to normalize it (since it's not always guid in the units table).

I think what the code implies is that whatever I use, if it doesnt exist TMW will just create a new cache entry for it, and then the instance ids will be updated regardless of the unit string I use in the future? (eg - target is a changing value)

ascott18 commented 1 year ago

The unit parameter to GetAuras is only valid if TMW.COMMON.Auras:RequestUnits(TMW.UNITS:GetUnitSet(unit)) returns true. Otherwise, it'll still create a set of tables for that unit, but those tables will never again be updated. For performance reasons, GetAuras doesn't do that validation every time you call it - that part is always done ahead of time.

ascott18 commented 1 year ago

This is now in master.