ascott18 / TellMeWhen

TellMeWhen is a combat tracking AddOn for World of Warcraft Retail and Classic
GNU General Public License v3.0
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[CF 267] About new addon settings/group settings #289

Closed tmw-issue-import closed 13 years ago

tmw-issue-import commented 13 years ago

When i played more than half hour and enter Config mode, after i change something of group setting click "Okay" button, wow will crash got error #132.

``` WoWBuild: 14333 Version: 4.2.0 Type: WoW Platform: X86 Realm: ( Local Zone: Local Player: 02000000020C5370, (-3223.93,-5046.31,120.633) Locked Target: F530C1B7002470E0, (-3226.32,-5048.93,120.63) Total lua memory: 39202KB Current Addon: TellMeWhen_Options Current Addon function: TellMeWhen_IconEditor:Hide Current Addon object: (null) Add Ons: QuestNotifier _Corpse ACP AlreadyKnown BabySeal Bagnon_Forever Blitz Broker_repair !BugGrabber BugSack BuyEmAll CCopy ChocolateBar CombatTime Combuctor Combuctor_Sets CompactRaid CompactRaid_RaidDebuff_CTM CompactRaid_ClickSets CoolLine DeathNote ErrorFilter Fizzle Focuser GearManagerEx GearScoreLite GTFO HealthBarText InspectEquip InspectFix JPack JPack_Broker JPack_Ex LearningAid LFGForwarder LinkMe ManyItemTooltips !MoncaiCompare MTLove OmniCC OneChoice PFEIL PoisonDagger PortraitTimers Postal QuestPointer QuestPrice RageBar RangeDisplay Recount Reflux Reforgenator RuneItAll ScreenshotThis SimpleRaidTargetIcons TalentSpecSpamFilter TargetClassButton TellMeWhen TellMeWhen_Options TextCombo TidyPlates TidyPlates_ThreatPlates TomTom TomTomPing TooltipItemIcon ToolTipTabs tullaRange UberInventory VengeanceStatus WhoWhisperedMe ProfessionALT zTip sThreatMeter2 DamageEx leafStats yAutoGreed DBM-Core DBM-SpellTimers ```

This happened everytime if i do that.

Posted by CurseForge user lsjyzjl | Imported from CurseForge issue #267 | Raw

tmw-issue-import commented 13 years ago

Attachment Added: tmw-crash-1.PNG


Posted by CurseForge user lsjyzjl

tmw-issue-import commented 13 years ago

Attachment Added: tmw-crash-2.PNG


Posted by CurseForge user lsjyzjl

tmw-issue-import commented 13 years ago

Attachment Added: Errors-2.rar


Posted by CurseForge user lsjyzjl

tmw-issue-import commented 13 years ago

Attachment Added: TellMeWhen.lua


Posted by CurseForge user lsjyzjl

tmw-issue-import commented 13 years ago

Post the full error log, and try disabling all other addons and see if this still occurs.

> Posted by CurseForge user Cybeloras
tmw-issue-import commented 13 years ago

Thank you.
I was delete all SavedVariables , and crash wasn't happen again. i think it's only my problem, i will open a new ticket if i get more information for this. you can close this ticket now. ^.^

Edited Jul 24, 2011

> Posted by CurseForge user lsjyzjl
tmw-issue-import commented 13 years ago

If it does come up again, try following some of the steps here:

> Posted by CurseForge user Cybeloras
tmw-issue-import commented 13 years ago

Thank you! ^.^

Edited Jul 24, 2011

> Posted by CurseForge user lsjyzjl
tmw-issue-import commented 13 years ago

This error happened again at yesterday. I uploaded the Crash.dmp and Crash.txt (errors-2.rar). I saw someone comment the same problem about #132 error at curse too.

  1. If you change the options of tellmewhen in combat, have 80% chance to #132
  2. If you played for a long time at once, have 50% chance to #132
  3. It's random. -.-

Click the "Close Button" or "Okay Button" is same.

It won't happen before "Fully integrated main addon settings/group settings into the icon editor".

Edited Jul 28, 2011

> Posted by CurseForge user lsjyzjl
tmw-issue-import commented 13 years ago

Try r181

> Posted by CurseForge user Cybeloras
tmw-issue-import commented 13 years ago

Also, attach your saved variables

> Posted by CurseForge user Cybeloras
tmw-issue-import commented 13 years ago

@Cybeloras: Go I think it's fixed in r181. I test more than 3 hours, #132 error never happen again.(Open tmw_options Every 10 minutes)

Edited Jul 29, 2011

> Posted by CurseForge user lsjyzjl
tmw-issue-import commented 13 years ago

Fixed in r181.

> Posted by CurseForge user lsjyzjl